[Covid] Can someone explain to me the "thinking" of "talking about vaccines is violation of privacy!!!" but "talking about med scripts is totes good!"
Because vaccines went political?
Like vaccines are 99.999% cookie cutter. Everyone gets the same dose, reacts the same (within a 50-75% margin) and it's normal
prescription meds are not transferable. Even when my dad and brother are on the same meds as me; 1) different doses 2) different reactions 3) different other overlapping conditions 4) gender hormones 5) OTHER meds can counteract etc. etc. etc.
I'm getting asked what my lung medications are for the sake of a 3rd (or 4th Idefk it's a native thing, everyone is related) cousin and I'm just
I mean I'm on allergy OTC, and the most basic ever asthma med it's not going to help you when you're dealing with covid or mystery lung problems and if it is going to help, I promise the doctors know better because they are actually looking at your chart and are getting paid for this
Also stop telling people Ivermectin is okay because you took it o_< Like. Yes, a million of people in India with covid took it. They took it for worms. Not to be racist, but India has troubles with parasitic worms infecting humans. If you have said worms in USA it isn't anything to do with covid. You can't treat covid and leave worms. Idefk
OH THINKING ABOUT IT THOUGH -- Maybe Grandma has the covid brain damage acting up so she was actually worried about the meds that sent me into a coma buuuut
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one allergic to soy. (thinking)
yeah p. sure it's politics + heuristics of "if X is good/bad for this person related to me then it's good/bad for me too!" which like many heuristics is reasonable in an evolutionary context but isn't super reliable, especially with the modern world's many highly, highly specialized tools
/pulls cheek
Mom's like "The only med for her lungs is... saline???"