good morning! i seriously adore Raโœฝbits https://images.plurk.com/5kqD0UeLfDOm30kl05meHP.jpg
their first single was JoyfulxBox* released in january of 2016! on this single they were directed to sing poorly but BUT there's plenty of merit to both tracks!
i say "both" when there are technically three tracks on the cd! the third was a small audio drama where it really you got to hear the four them interact with each other for the first time outside of text
it took a while for the main story to get the full audio, where it was mainly just cgs that were voiced, so that was the first taste. and the drama itself is just kind of fluff but genuinely cute
also if you had a brain and were smart and used the code in the cd before the end date you were able to obtain a 4* nazuna!!
naturally i was not smart so that's the one nazuna card that i'll forever be missing from his album
this song is just catchy. i'll admit it took me some time to warm up to it because of the vocals. but, honestly, i feel even at their "worst" it's not like i feel rabits tanked compared to some other vocals i've heard from the franchise
i love the breakdown
also idk why but there's this one tomoya part "aikotoba wa happiness" that just i find so cute and it makes me smile every time i hear it
ra*bits [Joyfulxbox]
i actually really like the enstage choreography for this song. like. the little footwork during the chorus is so cute and i'll admit that i was a little bummed that it wasn't featured when the game MV dropped
but also the bit of animation from the anime was enough to hint that yeah the choreography wasn't going to be the same. which shouldn't be a real shock or anything considering the enstage version tends to differ. like. the old valk songs choreography was intense compared to how it was described in the game
ALSO i love the first enstage iteration of this song. they only had hajime and it's just cute because nazuna starts off the song with "ikuzo" while here hajime uses "ikuyo." like it's not noticeable difference but i appreciate it so much
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
and then the b side is is Wild Rabbits' Marchโ™ช which definitely doesn't get as much traffic compared to the title song. which. is. fair. it's kind of got more of a march thing going for it. but oddly enough it has been performed for enstage and in starry stage 2nd
ใ€ใ‚ใ‚“ใ•ใ‚“ใถใ‚‹ใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒผใ‚บ๏ผใ€‘้‡Žใ†ใ•ใŽใƒžใƒผใƒโ™ช(์‚ฐํ† ๋ผ ํ–‰์ง„๊ณกโ™ช)ใ€Ra*bitsใ€‘
this one just gives me feelings for some reason. this one is actually attached to the first gacha story, Marching Band, which just has a cute set of cards. it's definitely nostalgic and gives that humble beginnings type of feeling
their ribbons being replaced with pink for the cherry blossom season and whatnot is just so cute
their EI-OH! LET'S GO!'s are so cute that i can't get tired of them. that's definitely just a weird overly attached emotional thing because i am kind of overlooking the screechy parts but it's fine shhhhh
november of 2016 brought us their second cd. Hoppin' Season. which i am completely biased to. while the song might not be their best it is my favorite of theirs
Hoppin' Seasonโ™ช
it also kind of gives that nostalgic feeling that Wild Rabbits' Marchโ™ช gives me. i guess because it's all about them wearing something similar and doing this thing together. it also kind of feels sort of spring-timey? just it feels rather hopeful
i love the chimes used throughout the song. sometimes it can kinda give me goosebumps. just. idk what it is about it. AND NOW TOMAWARI DEMO IPPO ZUTSU DEMO kind of gets me into wobbly lip territory
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
im learning so much about their music and it makes me smile
hajime's seiyuu described it as a song that would be rabits's comeback song after their loss to akatsuki in the main story? if memory serves? and it's just oh that feels like it'd be so fitting. granted, i love the song but i don't think it'd be enough to get them to fourth place
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
I would sit here for hours and listen to you talk about Ra*bits dnfbkj
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
they're so charming and they try their hardest
COOL BECAUSE there's more than half of the rest of their discography to go and this is actually a biased plurk
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
good because im biased for the ra*bits!
the b side is Love Ra*bits Party!! which is probably their most played song. ever
Love Rabits Party!!
i actually think i unintentionally started a trend with this song but it's just i don't have receipts to prove that's a truth so that'd be a matter of having to take my word for it
this song is quoteable and it's just. kind of hilarious to me?? because when i saw the lyrics for the first time it was just why does this song sound like it's about sex? the concept is rabits having an "adult party" and apparently three of the seiyuu thought that some parts sounded suggestive so Y'KNOW i wasn't being totally delusion
though adult party doesn't have to mean anything suggestive and probably doesn't in this case
the lyrics for both songs on this cd were done by the same person, saori codama i believe, so that's fun because i do think they both have fun lyrics because fun
i love how there's a part near the end where it feels like tomoya's seiyuu is focusing on pronouncing "love" properly that it sounds like he says "love la*bits." like. that's cute
pretty sure keru did the most widely known translation for that song SO THAT'S GENUINELY FUN
แด‹ษชษดษข๊œฑแด„สœแดสŸแด€ส€ ๐Ÿ‘‘
love them... and good mornyan
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
now i just want to listen to the ra*bits when i get off work
โ˜ผSolar Eclipseโ˜ผ
Im alive!!!
november of 2018 brought us their third cd! which was actually kind of different from the first two cds. there wasn't a jazzy or a march-like song on this cd! and this was the first time we got the cursed limited gacha!
while so much rabits stuff was going on i was a very proud rabitsP. we had snowball with mitsuru 5* and the tomoya winter santa gacha and the christmas mini event and the LE gacha and just THEY WERE IN THE SPOTLIGHT
Milky Starry Charm might be what i consider their best. the mixing is great with hajime+tomoya in the left and and mitsuru+nazuna in the right. they didn't have to do that but they did it
ra*bits milky starry charm
WE. WANT. TO. SHINE. LIKE. STARS. is just? iconic?
i can't pretend like i haven't been tired of their tanabata outfits in the past but THE HAJIME IS SO CUTE
https://images.plurk.com/2XEjXO0sN77fmhQmxgh3th.png https://images.plurk.com/5CepXjdcswOFYkGZzra8s7.png https://images.plurk.com/3HJuAVmpyA4bOvfXj4zwUq.png https://images.plurk.com/5aSnzwCkQ6Y6RPXNFlunWP.png
the outfits are pretty cute, designed by anzu and made by kuro
i feel everything about it, song and costumes, are charming. but i am not good at explaining what it is about them. it's almost kind of nostalgic?
the b side is Dream Collection! which i think it's just one of those songs that rabitsP like. man, i remember not being initially impressed with the sound of it but i do think their third cd is their best with vocals
Ra*bits - Dream Collection
they do that thing in one verse where they say each other's names though i know that's been done in enstars songs. i guess it's just they have sweet names so it suits the sweet song...
and i like that the chorus kind of has a round going?
this is the first song of theirs that doesn't have english in it but whether or not it did have english in it i am bad at learning lyrics HAHA
i kind of have got this idea in my head that Dream Collection is their repayment fes song. i mean there's nothing indicating that it is and a few of their other songs have been about them being together. just VAGUELY GESTURES
come april 2018, their album was bestowed upon us. which was very !! because they were the second in the lineup when all the other cds before this had them in the second half of a release. there were LE editions of these albums released that came with a booklet and an acrylic stand of the album cover
and, lemme say. the album art for rabits cd?? absolutely precious ( its in the header of this plurk. ) it was kind of a step up from some of their other outfits since they did the sailor thing in a slightly more "mature" way though it's still pretty cutesy
there are eleven tracks on this cd but only five of them were new at the time so i'll be covering those. starting with track 6
their unit song for the album was Meltyโ™ฅKitchen, albeit with a different heart shape because plurk doesn't seem to like when i type it, and it feels like it might be the most popular song of theirs among rabitsP?
the choreography for this song can be pretty fun and some bits differ between the dream live and MV versions. never mind that the MV is obviously shorter but some stuff just has to be changed with the perspective and all that!
Ra*bitsใ€Œใƒกใƒซใƒ†ใ‚ฃโ™กใ‚ญใƒƒใƒใƒณใ€ ใ‚ใ‚“ใ•ใ‚“ใถใ‚‹ใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒผใ‚บ๏ผ๏ผ Music ใ‚ฒใƒผใƒ ใ‚ตใ‚คใ‚บMV
https://images.plurk.com/19dywltaV89N0sjhVVw3IV.png https://images.plurk.com/4AaOkIDvRPsHJlL8QadgFv.png https://images.plurk.com/Srazs219iN4cZmzPILm5b.png https://images.plurk.com/3aENICImMnZvxbV1NfUkhS.png
another set of iconic outfits, imo. like. i really wish the players in the music server would have voted for these in the MV contest. C'MON GUYS
tomoya actually has two chocofes cards because wow he's so cool. as well as having technically two unlockable versions with the outfit. one without the headset from 2016 and then with the headset in 2017. the bloomed in his 3* is just so cute with him cheering hokuto-senpai on
idk why but there's a couple times in the song where there is this bit of TEMPERING TIIiiiIIME and they tap their wrists like they have watches on. like. i just think it's cute??
and there's this part of the song where nazuna is just? offended? HE DOESN'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT STORIES ABOUT HIS KIDS FEEDING CHOCOLATE TO PEOPLE!
ngl the translation i have seen of this song does have me a little ?? as my brain is not brain enough to comprehend it so i am not sure what the song means but it probably isn't really supposed to mean anything it's just chocofluff
the song has a strong start and i wish we had an instrumental. as a note, none of the new songs came with instrumentals. i suppose it's because it is because it featured all the past rabits discography on the cd but it's just. man. i buy the cds for instrumentals!! but also please support the official release
never mind that happyele is money grubbing
the following track is dream collection so it's at 8 where we start with the character solos! which is cute because there was a magazine interview from... 2016, i think? with rabits expressing interest in having their own solo songs. dreams do come true!
the concept was the characters to sing about their own feelings and all that good stuff
all the albums have the leader, of the time, start us off so Niichan Ouen Danโ˜†. which is, of course, Nazuna's solo. and. lemme say. i was initially worried that Nazuna and Hajime's songs were gonna be lousy.
but this song was energetic, much like the character, and the lyrics are cute! the same lyricist did the songs on their second cd and i think she did a good job capturing nazuna's nazuna-ness
it's only one bpm off from this song which is funny because of some inside joke that someone makes about nazuna-rapunzel parallels
Tangled - Something That I Want (HD)
this is the first time we get to hear nazuna sing a little more "naturally" so he doesn't have the same cutesy quality like in units songs. also he uses ore in song for the first time as that's how he refers to himself! 3 out of 4 ra*bits use ore. that's a fun statistic
his voice cracks in his first bout of GO FIGHT! which i find kind of cute. and then there are some little speaking parts which i am normally not a fan of in songs but they're just kind of fun?? his frantic NANI NANI kind of goes with the flow of the song perfectly in a way
since i think it sounds similar to nazuna's! like. not in an obvious way? i only was able to pick up on it when we got to hear some instrumentals during the anime event in 2019. it's like they split one song in half and gave one half to mitsuru and the other to nazuna.
this song sounds like an anime opening and we really get to hear mitsuru seiyuu shine as he's allowed to show off for a full song on his own
that ZETTAI NO ZETTAI NI MAKETERARENAI always gets me kind of pumped up?? like. i have to restrain myself from getting up and running around, if i'm not already, because the song just makes me. want. to. get up and run around
it's so energetic and there are just little bits that are so cute! like the DASH DASH and JUMP JUMP
10 is what i think might be my favorite solo out of the four. it's funny because kori and i joked, when they announced the concept of these albums, that tomoya would have the best solo in enstars. and, yeah, he brought it with Higherโ†‘ Higherโ†‘
Higherโ†‘ Higherโ†‘(็œŸ็™ฝๅ‹ไนŸsolo)
the first ten seconds is just a good hook with that guitar!
the lyricist for nazuna's song also did tomoya's and, again, she nails it
i love tomoya's don't minds! i guess technically it's donmai in this case but still cute. just his little exclamations between that and DO IT!!
just. it's catchy. the normal guy was blessed with a good song. hell, all of rabits solos are listenable and that is more than i could have seriously hoped for
last BUT NOT LEAST on this album is hajime's solo as 11, Happy Coming๏ผŠTea Time
Happy Coming*ใƒ†ใ‚ฃใƒผใ‚ฟใ‚คใƒ (็ดซไน‹ๅ‰ตsolo)
whenever i am cleaning or something this is a song i absolutely must listen to at one point. which probably doesn't sound like a compliment but it makes sense to me, okay!
i love the daydream sound quality to his solo which captures an element that i wish was explored more with hajime
SO CUTE! HEALING! he's referring to the tea but these words can be easily applied to him
there's a lyric near the end that i think is something like ANATA NO TAME NO IPPAI O YOROKONDE MORAETE HAPPY that i just love how he delivers it because it sounds a little different from the norm and decisive while still maintaining that hajime tone
also it's come to my attention that there are some songs along the way that i've missed that features members of rabits but they aren't rabits songs themselves hence why. BUT I WILL AT LEAST LIST OUT THE ONES that have been done up to this point because why not and because one of them is one of my favorite enstars songs for some reason
in 2019, we got that long awaited enstars anime! was it good? nope. but we did get some good stuff out of it. rabits came into clutch when the main story of the anime was interrupted with marionette as that was when we were bestowed the godsend that is Made in Tokimeki โ™ช
ใ€ES!ใ€‘Made in Tokimeki โ™ช | Ra*bits full color coded l...
a lot of the anime ed songs had this vibe that they were trying to emulate the original cds but update it a tad?? and i think they nailed it with this one. just the first three seconds with the mallet percussion gets me excited-- DATTE KYUNTTE SURU TABI HATO MO FUKURAMU and then suddenly the song is over
there actually isn't a lot for me to say about it?? i just love this one a lot it's catchy and was super happy that we got an instrumental. it was bundled with the akatsuki song, rabits was 3rd ed and akatsuki was 4th, which wasn't bad either.
my PO of the cd came with a holographic print of the cover so that was also neat
i heard that they did this song at the latest dream live so i am hoping to see that within the next year. and i am assuming that it'll get a MV soon since other units are getting MVs of their anime eds
and that's technically the last song of the ! era, oh gosh
la la beats love raโœฝbits