今年4月出版的《承諾》The Promise,暫譯是Galgut加爾葛特的第9部小說作品,也是他7年來第一部小說,而他成為繼南非國寶級小說家柯慈JM Coetzee與戈迪默Nadine Gordimer之後第3位獲得布克獎南非作家。以4場葬禮講述種族隔離時期故事《承諾》故事背景設定在普勒托利亞,透過南非種族隔離時期(apartheid)不同年代的4場葬禮(每場葬禮都相隔10年),講述住在普勒托利亞郊外農場的白人家庭史瓦特家族Swart family的故事。史瓦特家族承諾要提供房子與土地給為他們工作一生的黑人婦女莎樂美Salome,但多年來始終未實現承諾。「一個喝得半醉的下午,他聽朋友講述他的父母及兩名手足的葬禮」後,迸發以4場葬禮展開故事的想法
描述家族數十載滄桑 南非作家奪下英國曼布克獎 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
following Nadine Gordimer and J. M. Coetzee, who has won twice.[14] He says the theme of the book is time. The original idea came from a conversation with a friend, who is the last surviving member of his family, and told Galgut about the funerals he'd attended for his mother, father, brother, and sister.
novel The Promise won the 2021 Booker Prize.[13] Galgut is the third writer from South Africa to win the Booker, The title refers to a pledge that the white family's black maid would be given the house she inhabits and the land it stands on.
Damon Galgut - Wikipedia
Damon Galgut wins Booker Prize with 'gripping' South...
The Promise (Galgut novel) - Wikipedia
The promise of the title is one the Swarts make – and fail to keep over the years – to give a home and land to the black woman who worked for them her whole life.The idea to set the novel around four funerals came after a “semi-drunken afternoon, listening to a friend describe the funerals of his parents, brother and sister,”
Novelist Damon Galgut wins Booker Prize for 'The Pro...
Damon Galgut wins Booker prize with ‘spectacular’ no...