potato boyo
have an appt for a second covid shot. Which one should I get?
potato boyo
my first shot was J+J so I've only had one
potato boyo
my sister is pushing moderna (because that's what she wants after 2 pfizer. that's how her worldview works)
Sometimes Bacon
i've been told that moderna and pfizer are the same, in that, what your body builds resistance to is the same. this was told to me by the EMT that gave me my 2nd shot (since i got one of each).
Sometimes Bacon
so i say go for the one that's the most convenient.
potato boyo
I mean, I'll take one of each
potato boyo
or two of each. load me the fuck up
Sometimes Bacon
I’ve read Pfizer or moderna are the best after J&J. My friend said her husband chose moderna based on the reporting of efficacy.
Sometimes Bacon
i need to get my flu shot. maybe tomorrow
potato boyo
doc said I can get flu + covie at the same time, one in each shoulder
potato boyo
potato boyo
I have narrow windows of opportunity for jabs due to my other meds so I gotta load up as much as I can when a window opens
potato boyo
I still have elbows and knees! gimmie more!!
Pfizer darnit
I did flu and covid together it was kinda shitty but if you don’t have plans .../
I was told Pfizer typically has less side effects
I'm not sure
lexibear : from the anecdotal evidence I've "gathered," that does seem to be the case
Moderna is slightly more effective.
Sometimes Bacon
I had P then M. My kid had P+P since under 18 can’t get M. We both had the exact same reaction to our shots.
We cannot choose here. I got Moderna with almost no side effects
Note potato boyo , they can jab in your legs as well. They just need a reasonably sized muscle that is used regularly
Pfizer. I think I'm sticking with the same ones I started with. Which was Pfizer.
Boo 🐼
We didn’t have a choice over here, you got a second dose of whatever you got first time round which makes sense
potato boyo
Boo 🐼 : that would be the same for most second shots. I'm getting what would be my third, except j+j didn't have two shots.
potato boyo
so shot 2 for me is technically a booster
Boo 🐼
Ah I see. Even when I go for my booster I will get Pfizer again because that’s what I had first time
Moderna seems to hold up to COVID better than Pfizer. I plan to get a Moderna booster; my first two were Pfizer
get the tastiest one
I did Pfizer for both of mine.
I attended a presentation recently of epidemiological data on this subject last week. They said that J&J plus a Moderna booster had the strongest antibody response.
Interestingly, the presentation said that Pfizer was best overall. Then J&J, then Moderna as far as preventing death/hospitalization. I was really surprised that J&J was in the middle and performed better than Moderna. But the data says what the data says
This study was done using US wide population data from states reporting and the person analyzing the data was Waffa El-Sadr, Columbia professor Wafaa El-Sadr
potato boyo
Chestnut : awesome! thank you
Chestnut : cool
Chestnut : that’s interesting. At our house we got COVID after being vaxxed. The ones with the Pfizer vax were sicker than the ones who got Moderna. One adult and two teens had P; three adults had Moderna.
To be clear - ALL of the vaccines work amazingly well. Getting any of them is great! If you can get the booster with the same one it is best. If you can't any combo is good. Moderna & JJ is best but JJ and anything is also good. Just get vaxed and boosted, was the message from the epidemiologists I listened to
Moderna has more mRNA in it and seems to wane more slowly than others. They're all solid, but if you're looking at the best (within small margins to Pfizer), Moderna does have a bit of am edge.
That is not what the data I saw presented the other day said. In fact, they said Moderna was less effective than J&J and Pfizer based on the data they analyzed from the US. It is important to note all of the vaccines are extremely effective. All of them. The differences are population based and are small. Everyone who gets any vax is well protected.
I'm in the same spot. I messaged my doctor to ask if I'm eligible for a booster since I had the J&J.
You are in the US absolutely
Lyrical I had been hearing the same about Moderna. The articles suggest that protection lasts longer, and you get less ill.
Moderna vs. Pfizer: Both Knockouts, but One Seems to...
Chestnut : I've read some data showing Moderna wanes the least. Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in 620,000 U.S. V...
I trust my source but as I said, all vaccines are very effective. They all need boosters. So at the end of the day it seems to me people should get what they can because they will be well protected. The differences are population based and are very small.
potato boyo
maybe effective and longevity are different metrics? either way I am leaning towards moderna following j+j
potato boyo
(assuming it's an option on day of. I'll email doc ahead of time to verify.) I do hate giving my sister the satisfaction, but we'll chalk that up to an unfortunate side effect.
Starfirez: I was just ready to get my booster. We were 6 months post vax.!