Princess Emily
[high guardian spice] ah, the comphet episode,
is this any good
Princess Emily
it's not nearly as bad as anybody who hates it is saying
Princess Emily
it's not super great like She-ra either, but it's decent and watchable
Princess Emily
and has canon gay people and trans people
I started properly enjoying it around episode 3-5
Princess Emily
I am currently on episode 6 which is the direst episode
Princess Emily
time for straight crushes everywhere,,,,
Princess Emily
.................except Amaryllis, who is apparently crushing on Thyme and it's hilarious but idk if that counts,
Princess Emily
"guy friendship is different!"
Princess Emily
they all got over their straight crushes everything is fine again
Princess Emily
"I miss the days when we just threw them in lava"
"...We never did that."
"Right, of course not" BIG WINK
Princess Emily
sounds like an anime battle school all right,
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
ah, the classic "I am badly injured and not telling anybody for... reasons?"
this is better than rwby
honestly it's not bad, I mostly think it started out rough.
Princess Emily
honestly i thought it started out fine
I dont think it started off bad, just a bit rough, like animation quality was a bit odd and smoothed out layer
I did sort of feel the first episode was slow though
like if I hadn't felt like giving it a proper chance to spite others, and was something random I checked out I might not have watched it.
Princess Emily
cat girl cat girl cat girl
Princess Emily
"turn them into stone, then shatter them" oh, the death method that freaks me out the most, yay,
Princess Emily
Snapdragon episode 6: "Telling me I can't understand because I'm a guy and you're a girl, I hate that!"
Snapdragon episode 8: /dressed up as a mermaid, Amaryllis calls them a goddess, smiles at that,
Princess Emily
well, even if Rosemary is straight, Sage sure isn't,
Princess Emily
takes one look at Snapdragon and goes "you look so pretty right now OKAY BYE"
I quite like snapdragon.
Princess Emily
I like both of the rival characters
Princess Emily
rosemary has the jerk ball this episode,
Princess Emily
it's like the idiot ball, but for when the plot needs interparty conflict
Princess Emily
oh that was much more intense episode ending than I thought
they are both fun and I feel their growth.
Princess Emily
Rosemary: "Wait, I'm the childhood-friends-to-lovers trope, why are you leaving me for Snapdragon?"
Sage: "cuz u a jerk,"