...well first it didn't win the nobel, people finding highly effective uses for it long after it was invented won the nobel, but those uses are a few categories of parasitic worm infection, which, btw, are a lot more common in veterinary medicine than human medicine in the US
so while it's not totally fair to call it horse dewormer it's still kinda fair the same as I don't need to put flea treatment on the back of my neck because I'm... not... a cat
frmom what I've heard, the concentrations you need to kill it in-vitro for ivermectin are like...50 times the fatal dose in humans or something, too, so yeah, it'll kill the covid. Because the covid won't have a living host anymore.
Is there a difference between "5G is the real coronavirus" and "Inject bleach to kill viruses" and "I took this medicine that is mostly used for killing parasites in farm animals who don't have proper footgear between hooves and poop but now I'm mad that it was properly portrayed as that" -- Yes. does the difference matter? NO
It's not super severe, but he doesn't want to tell anyone because we know exactly what it's from and it's the reason Moosey was just like "No CC you can't get it yet"
it's actually a little more complicated, it can also be prescribed sometimes in humans as a narrow-band antiparasitic... but uh...viruses are not worms...was that one too dark?do it