I cannot for the life of me get to sleep right now, so I thought I'd just put it out there how suuuuper sorry I am that I haven't really been tagging lately! I've been very distracted by xiv and games in general, and schedules of any kind are pretty much anathema to me? I need so much help lmao
im gonna try to do it, though. i need like, two tag days, two art days, and a game day pree much, in the week?
Crime Gé
/hugs tight because that is Such A Mood
problem is that I get home and my petulant child brain is just "but it's MY time I can PLAY VIDEOGAMES if I WANT TO"
Crime Gé
: god isn't it? what i should do is try to make light's raid days my 'do hobby things' days ig?
I also really need to change the bedsheets
my brain has been stuck on "things I need to get for the winter" mode so I've been pretty much thinking about hugh-tig duvets?? for 30m
and another pair of jeans. and a good pair of winter boots.
and how i really need to sort out my clothes yo throw them away and hover upstairs and tidy the office again and
you get the idwa