看推友在說《愛如潮水》根本厭女歌曲第一名,就想起Mew的Snow Brigade I'll find you somewhere show you how much I care know that there's no escape from my snow brigade 本人心目中跟蹤系恐怖歌曲第一名
She Came Home for Christmas也是一首恐怖歌曲 Don't touch her there, she's blindfolded. She remembers on the bus. Into my heart. Don't remember. Like you left us without notice.
I'll find you somewhere
show you how much I care
know that there's no
escape from my snow brigade
Don't touch her there, she's blindfolded.
She remembers on the bus.
Into my heart. Don't remember.
Like you left us without notice.
女性權益的部分,最近剛好在看《您已登入N號房》,加上最近的deep fake事件覺得生為女人還真是從身體到生殖到情感無一不被剝削,被剝削還要被罵真ㄉ傻眼