Hot take: Castlevania Judgment isn't a bad idea. It was just executed poorly.
..........the char designs bug me the most about it
I think some work but yea, for the most part the Takeshi Obata art doesn't quite look right
(^・ェ・^))ノ彡☆ what you're saying is there were a lot of bad judgment calls in execution?
Tonberry King
a castlevania fighter in concept is no more out there than soulcalibur already is
castlevania fighter; good idea
castlevania fighter with bizarre character design and writing choices, alongside a gameplay system that sort of cheapens the whole nature of it being a fighting game and makes it more like a series of annoying 3d action game bossfights; not great
you need a better IP attached to sell that style of fighter (naruto, jojo, i think there are a few others like it but those are the main ones that come to mind)
gsai - precisely.

I don't want to crap on arena fighters cause there's a time and place for them. It just didn't really work with Castlevania
Tonberry King