It's Just Deca
its too early to tell rn but so long as everything works out for me in imeeji and Eichi does alright, maybe I'll try Zhongli for a second. MAYBE
It's Just Deca
give him some wild monster that people wouldn't expect. dragon or qilin/kirin too on the nose
lotus 龙 wife
It's Just Deca
maybe something like a sphynx and a compulsion to tell riddles before agreeing to do anything
It's Just Deca
Am i any good at riddles? no. that's what the internet is for, probably
It's Just Deca
it would be fun to play with more mental effects i think. Eichi will be good at being terrible but it's fun too to have to fight with instincts you are unfamiliar with
It's Just Deca
maybe some kind of fae monster and an aversion to iron as well as an impulse for pranks. That'd be honestly pretty hilarious for zhongli to have to deal with.
rock man
It's Just Deca
I'm gonna give it at least a month tho! maybe I'll find more fun creatures(or remember them. anytime i try remembering fun mythological creatures i forget every one I've ever known)