Mad Larkin
[politics] god, I hate people advocating for revolution who don't have any idea what that means, or who haven't thought it through
Mad Larkin
this post is just the most recent example
Mad Larkin
yes, when society is the problem, therapy won't help as much
Mad Larkin
society needs to change
Mad Larkin
but they're talking about it getting better, which is reform and change, not revolution
Mad Larkin
we don't need to burn everything down to make society better
Mad Larkin
I would argue that we shouldn't
Mad Larkin
that the collateral damage would be too high
Mad Larkin
but we still need change
I think I don't even disagree with this person's underlying point, which seems to be that therapeutic self-improvement won't fix the environmental and social factors making life materially difficult for people; but boy oh boy what a confused, buzzword-y mess
Mad Larkin
the point is good!
Mad Larkin
it's really the wording that gets me
I think you're totally right that their use of "revolution" is weird in a thread where they're also talking about concrete policy solutions like adequate housing
there's also a level of hopelessness to that mindset that frustrates me. I think the dichotomy of "intense crushing misery of modern society" and "total revolution" is a false and maladaptive one
Rogal Dorn
I suspect we will see violent upheaval within our lifetimes but I don't look forward to it or advocate it. And yeah that stuff can be addressed with policy, I suspect the sclerotic nature of government army present may outrun passions and needs and we'll see really ugly shit tho
Rogal Dorn
At not army
Mad Larkin
Adarglad that's the thing that really troubles me. especially since I feel like it discourages people from actually getting stuff done
Mad Larkin
Rogal Dorn I'm sure something will happen, but I don't think it'll lead to anything constructive. I'm very cynical about violence leading to actual positive results
it's so vague at this point – people just sort of throw out the idea of the… wealthiest nation on earth??? as this miserable hellhole where nothing good ever happens and no one can thrive and there's no path forward
Mad Larkin
it's the flip side of American exceptionalism. If we're not the best country on Earth, then we must be the worst.
there are plenty of things that completely suck about the wealthiest nation on earth, not least its staggering wealth inequality, but the argument-from-general-malaise is not convincing to me
yeah, I think that's a really good point! Re: exceptionalism
Rogal Dorn
The wealth is very concentrated though, and prying that back into the hands of folks in a distributed way has proven very difficult
I'm aware
Rogal Dorn
I'd like to believe there's a path but we're seeing some very unpromising signs on the national level rn
Rogal Dorn
Going back to the post though holy shit most of that could be fixed with policy choices not a revolution
like hey guys i hate to break it to you bur there'll be a lot less therapy available after the revolution
Rogal Dorn
Yeah it tends to break all kinds of infrastructure even if you win
Rogal Dorn
I feel like the AWI was a bit of an outlier but that's like my area of specialty and I don't wanna rabbit hole too much on that
Mad Larkin
yeah, a lot of people seem to think that they'll just overtrow the terrible system! and put a new one in its place! and it'll just... keep on trucking like we did a video game reset or something
Rogal Dorn
I will confess I'm very concerned over a fascist or anti democratic takeover on the national level right now. And it's pretty scary to think about
Mad Larkin
that's part of why I'm cynical about it. I have a feeling that if anyone starts the actual shooting, it'll be the far-right, not the left
Rogal Dorn
I'd say that's a fairly likely scenario tbh.
Rogal Dorn
What set me off a few years back even before the last year and a half+ was talk about loyalty oaths to Trump for government workers
Mad Larkin
and now I'm elsewhere, releasing my aggro by arguing with people who think that debt forgiveness for student loans is "a handout" and "forcing people who don't go to college to pay for those who go to college"
Mad Larkin
this fucking country, I swear to god
Rogal Dorn
Mad Larkin
here. I found a forum months ago out of boredom and now I occasionally argue with the conservative commenters there. they react to any article about people in crippling student loan debt with, more or less "but x did it without going into debt, so y is just stupid!"
Rogal Dorn
Nevermind the factors forcing students into debt and the societal pressure to get a degree
Mad Larkin
yeah, those don't exist, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps!