也很喜歡導演形容他希望的音樂是:imagine a beast like a tarpon and you can hear the beast, he is groaning under there, and louder and softer, and occasionally it starts to sound like a word, and often the beast starts to emerge. Now some of those sounds are collecting themselves into phrases, and then all of a sudden there is a song.
並沒有Isaac和Tiffany Haddish的官方BG線有些部份我也覺得可以,雖然同樣是對手戲上有點差距所以不能說非常有化學作用不過還是有讓我覺得可愛的地方;大概就和Tye Sheridan一樣,覺得最後的部份不夠特別有力,但過程倒是滿不錯的XD 另外不得不提我也滿喜歡Sheridan和Haddish有點姊弟的投契感、三人結伴互動的場景時化學作用都特別棒!氣氛滿好的! OT3