I really do hate the rank resets in Dead by Daylight.
I get that the whole point is you get blood points for how far you managed to get up the ranks in a month, but when they're using the ranks as a means to match you with other players, it gets annoying really fast.
I was sitting pretty in the gold ranks, which is where I want to be, and then the ranks reset and I'm back to playing with a mix of people who are either way above my skill level or way below it. I get they're trying to do skill based matching making now but, that's been...hmmmm...
It still seems to be largely based on current rank.
And like, that doesn't feel like that's good for anyone involved. They're pitting newbys against experienced players which is bad for both sides.
I've never had this many matches where I gave killers an end game pity kill, because it was clear they were just starting out on the game and they just got throttled. Like, gameover in less then ten minutes, no kills, 1 or no hooks.
Then I had five whole matches in a row this morning that were just death by team mates.
Two of them were less then five minutes long.
In one, I got hooked saving someone from the basement. They refused to leave the basement (they were not AFK, they just really wanted to hide down there, I guess) and I had to take hits for them until they finally ran for it. Got downed doing it. First hook, no biggy.
One person tries to come for me, unfortunately gets caught. Sucks but it happens. The other two (one of them the person I unhooked) just refused to unhook either of us or even come close to us. Despite not being camped, and it being the beginning of the game.
They just hid in a corner together letting us bleed out until the oni found them and we all died. They weren't even healing.
I have no clue what they were actually doing aside from maybe hiding poorly behind a rock.
The other game, team mates just kept pulling each other off the hooks right in front of the killer. Didn't even give the guy a chance to walk away. Just kept doing this until they both died.
I got caught working on a gen, remaining teammate does the same thing to me.
We all die. Wonky "You Tried" stickers all around.
Another match from a few days again, every single person in the game disconnected on their first hit or first hook, or they killed themselves on hook. Just BECAUSE, I guess. Like, the killer wasn't playing unfair. They were fine.
I tried to give them a kill because, fuck that noise, that was just shitty, but they insisted on letting me go.
Just. I want to enjoy this game again. I hate caring about ranking up. It's a pain in the ass and the clout is dumb. But until I get back to gold ranks I'm sitting in the queues like "Humble Entity, please bless me with a fun game and team mates that aren't selfish or dumb as a sack'a rocks".
Really feeling this Dwight right now.
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