Gonna start with a sappy - T's getting back from this breach with way more nostalgia for her mom than she went in, so she's going to try to pick up the flute again, if she can find one in the music room.
sappy af: whenever Martin stops by Horizon, he'll leave a tape for Jon telling him what he's been up to recently. shit like what he's been researching, passive aggressively bitching about Nero, the kids he lives with, a rabbit stopped when he was taking a nap and tries stealing his lunch
In 1845, Joseph Faber, invented the Euphonia, which consisted of a head that spoke in a “weird, ghostly monotone” voice and was controlled with foot petals and a keyboard.
“By pumping air with the bellows … and manipulating a series of plates, chambers, and other apparatus the operator could make it speak any European language.”
Jon will get to listen in real time as Martin gets sucked into a cult“By pumping air with the bellows … and manipulating a series of plates, chambers, and other apparatus the operator could make it speak any European language.”