It's Just Deca
Looking forward to y'alls ideal worlds! I'm gonna touch em
It's Just Deca
i will probably not run one because i did a heart game with Eichi and i don't feel like I'm creative enough to come up with another one for him
It's Just Deca
and idk if Hades is There yet. Like he's getting there but i feel like his would be more fun when he has more memories
It's Just Deca
and if i can do a HG any time, then i will
im too scared to do anything like one
Eichi's heart game was real cute though
I love the fact that deep inside his heart
is a roomba with a sword duck-taped to it
It's Just Deca
𝚁𝙴𝙰 : nooo! it wasn't hard to do, I'm just tired too much to write rn lol
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
there will always be that roomba, deep inside Eichi's heart