Mica and gremlin mode Just as a heads up, Nie Huaisang is starting to perceive the gremlin kids as enemies that may need to be neutralized if they can't be talked down... And Nie Huaisang is probably the last person who should be an enemy.
Pinging Alice in here as well.
Bro is tenacious and ruthless.
Right now, Huaisang's aiming for negotiation first but he's aware that the pilots are vulnerable outside their suits and he knows where the hangar is. But this may turn into stalling them as he plans and coordinates an attack on them in the hangar. Because they're young, he'd likely aim to incapacitate rather than attempt murder
The incapacitation plan he'd come up with is basically knock them both out before they can get in their suits, tie them up on or bind them both with a magical talisman, and lock them in the cage in hangar. He might also set up something from his canon called a maze array outside of it that would disorient others who tried to approach the cage and free them.
He'd leave their bracelets alone so they could still communicate and he'd undo the array once they cooled off though.
as Ani said, he's tenacious and ruthless.
tenacious and ruthless are also accurate descriptors of Wufei
unfortunately, assuming that they could even get him into it, wufei knows a very easy way out of the cage, and he is cold enough to enact it.
..I was also under the impression that wufei was actually in his Gundam, for this conversation
gremlin mode
yeah trying to bind them in to being nice is going to have 1000% the opposite effect
gremlin mode
if anything Duo will talk nice and then get in his gundam anyway. Wufei is straight forward but Duo is a back handed type when necessary
Peter is already trying to stop Duo and Heero from getting into their Gundams and they're going to knock him out cold,the lil gremlins
Lol RIP /cries in Cr breakdown. Yeah unfortunately I think after this jgy is going to be reaching out to people to work on neutralizing them. They sort of proved that they don’t have the responsibility to be able to have the kind of weapons they do, and is now a threat to the safety of not only his home but the other islanders
Poor Peter.
These children need leashes not fire power he thinks.
sorry man! but yeah, Jgy is right
the kids needs better outlets for their anger
If kids can’t be responsible for thier toys, they don’t get to have them, until they can prove them selves to be responsible
So his first step is to conscript Julieta, to fight to protect the UC
lmao Christmas morning for wufei he gets to crush Julietta
gremlin mode
Duo : I am the means of the Augur's production and I'm seizing my own assets
Mica : pppffffff
honestly though it's not like they're going Godzilla on the place
they've got a specific target
lime skittle
Julieta likes Nie Huaisang she's going to protect him
it's more an issue that it looks like there's 5-6 Gundams loose during this event and all of them are over 50ft tall and 8 tons each and to frightened low tech characters who don't fully understand basic electronics, all of them running around are Godzilla from their perspective
and unfortunately, Huaisang raised concerns about this exact situation way back in... December so he's not going to let the matter go, even if he can't do anything to them now while they're in their cockpits now
There is, however, significant in-character fallout to threatening the lives of characters who have demonstrated exactly zero moral qualms about murder and who are not interested in fair play or like.... the geneva conventions.
Like, at the moment, Wufei doesn't consider Huaisang or his group to be a threat, only merely an opposing set of politics.
But in canon he tends to respond to every single meaningful threat against his people's lives and interests with overwhelming force, and like... I don't want to be OOC, but I also don't know if being in-character about this is the best option either. It would be a very different tone.
So threats are one thing, but if Huaisang is actually going to back them up, then there needs to be a discussion about exactly how many sequels this Rambo movie is going to have, what their ESRB rating is going to be, and for how many other characters Huaisang is making choices.
I agree. I'm in the same boat of trying to figure out how to navigate this situation with the character. In canon, Huaisang is patient and takes slow, deliberate action. He spends time gathering information, planning out, and executing carefully timed action. However, I can't predict what the retaliation will be yet.
I mean, in canon Wufei is the kind of person to bomb dormitories, killing of hundreds of newly-minted cadets in their sleep for nothing they had done and no better reason than the color of their uniforms, and he comes from a culture of people who's response to being held hostage against his personal good behavior is mass suicide.
So like
There's not really a bottom level to how shitty he can be.
And he has until this moment stored most of his impulse control re: taking his gundam and doing something rash, in the back pocket of Duo Maxwell. Which is not a safe place to put that.
But it's reasonable to say that it's definitely better to not do the vendetta thing, if we can avoid it, because it feels like it would be the kind of thing that spirals out of control and like...I'm not sure I have the spoons for plotting on that scale.
I think maybe the best course would be to get as many people out of the way of the hospital and maybe have chars icly talk about what to do. Huaisang has both jgy and his brother in game who can possibly talk him out of the vendetta approach.
Nie Mingjue is going to be very interested in making sure nobody dies and he'll be super straightforward about that goal. If that... helps? He has a teeny bit of experience handling youths who are that kind of dangerous. XD
Yeah Nies are p blood thirsty
yeah, I want to pull Huaisang out of the situation because I'm not up for a vengeance spiral either
If it helps, Duo and Wufei are pro not actually letting people be accidentally killed, which is why Duo issued this warning in the first place.
They're not going to get down and help with any evacuation effort, they have other priorities, but it's worth remembering that the whole purpose of the conversation to begin with was a fair warning to bystanders that they ought to clear the area.
I'm up for whatever is needed from Mingjue, honestly. He's a general that thinks in terms of battles and goals, so in a messy situation he'll go for best case. Which imho is evacuation and fighting the battle in front of him (undead). He's...ambivalent to the augur.
Huaisang will step back if Mingjue steps in
Mingjue can absolutely bulldoze in.
Just taking Huaisang's bracelet off his wrist might be a good idea
Jgy would support that and can run boyfriend distraction if need be. Also help chill him the f out
Dude is running on fumes
No more bracelet only distraction now.
yeah, just taking away Huaisang's ability to communicate with either of them, ordering him to do some calligraphy and meditate until he cools down might work most effectively
and boyfriend distraction (he also has Juli distraction)
he’s welcome to both
he can still communicate with people in Koi Tower because most of them are Chinese speakers and with the ones who aren't, he's telepathic
I wanted him to manifest that during the event so this could work out
Oh yarr. But yeah, maybe after this inbox thread Mingjue contacts JGY like 'plz scruff him, I'm a baby'