☀️ ceeshine!

september chatterplurk 🍂
☀️ ceeshine!
featuring a pick from my monsterfucker playlist bc summer is dead and i buried it myself, it's fall now bitches
☀️ ceeshine!
anyway i slept all day again bc of ? sleep debt? depression? storms all day which fucked up my sinuses? all of the above
☀️ ceeshine!
i have to do some cleaning tonight and wash my hair and fill out my juror qualification form online so busy delightful night for cee
☀️ ceeshine!
takes a very deep breath and wills myself to feel less anger over a piece of fiction
☀️ ceeshine!
i filled out my form and will double-check it after i shower so at least that is out of my rotting brain
☀️ ceeshine!
would love for my mother to stop keeping me on the phone for an hour at late o'clock always on days when i am sleep-deprived and tired from doing any number of other things already
☀️ ceeshine!
but if wishes were fishes
☀️ ceeshine!
manager at the coffee shop, conversationally: so you back to school yet?
me, laughing through my tears: no haha
Eko *:・゚✧
Eko *:・゚✧
is it the guy who asked if we were sisters LOL
☀️ ceeshine!
HAHAHAHA no that's not the guy, the manager is a tall broad red-haired(? inasfar as i can tell from when his beard is grown) dude
Eko *:・゚✧
AHA gotcha LOL
☀️ ceeshine!
i'm trying to remember if he was working when we went in but i don't think he was
☀️ ceeshine!
he's there probably about half the time i go in tho
Eko *:・゚✧
he's great LOL
Eko *:・゚✧
It's just funny to me we're either sisters or girlfriends LMAO
☀️ ceeshine!
the two genders
Eko *:・゚✧
Which one of you is the feudal girlfriend and which one of you is the twin sister
☀️ ceeshine!
☀️ ceeshine!
the LAYERS of meme
Eko *:・゚✧
☀️ ceeshine!
man considering i only slept about 4 hours i don't feel nearly as terrible as i thought i would
☀️ ceeshine!
had dreadful nightmares and feel much more terrible today than I did yesterday but I have to pray I remember how to drive and run some errands before my social obligations tonight
Eko *:・゚✧
☀️ ceeshine!
dear lord I drank too much last night and now I am paying for it JFHHSKGKSHG I had fun tho...
☀️ ceeshine!
emotionally very weird today and suddenly feeling Panic™ over how close my trip is getting and how much I have to do for it
☀️ ceeshine!
God the depresso espresso is BAD today
Eko *:・゚✧
Eko *:・゚✧
if you need to chill with someone let me know!
☀️ ceeshine!
Thank you I'm still trying to will myself to get up and do...anything but I will let you know if I need company
Eko *:・゚✧
Def hun Take care of yourself!!
☀️ ceeshine!
Fiery Grump
pls take care of yourself!!
☀️ ceeshine!
ty for the well wishes friends... ytd was terrible and my sleeping schedule is once again a mess but at least i called to confirm my juror qualification form was received in time and i will not be paying a fine or going to jail
☀️ ceeshine!
which i expected to be a huge pain but it took less than 2 minutes and the lady on the phone did not even sound dead inside. better than expected
☀️ ceeshine!
need 2 shower and schedule pre-trip covid tests for me and dad today
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
ooh where are u trippin'?
☀️ ceeshine!
virginia beach! I am ready for Swimming and Friends
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
nice!! I hope y'all have fun!
☀️ ceeshine!
TY TY I'm sure it'll be fun I am just in pre-trip Stress Mode where all my excitement is replaced with stress KFNNSNGNS
Eko *:・゚✧
I actually super feel this LOL
☀️ ceeshine!
i have been: A Wreck and have struggled to function at even a basic level for the past (mumblemumble) days but i finally washed my hair and scheduled covid tests
☀️ ceeshine!
also called my mom and found my rika wig
☀️ ceeshine!
and packed up a few of the liquor bottles i am bringing on vacation
☀️ ceeshine!
even this very small amount of things has exhausted me but it is what it is
Eko *:・゚✧
I'm so sorry it's been a struggle hun. If I can do anything let me know okay?
Eko *:・゚✧
I love you so much ;;
☀️ ceeshine!
ty, i love you too <3 idk how much there is to be done for it but i am just doing my best...
Eko *:・゚✧
yeah for sure ;; but I'm happy to get into VC with you if need to moral boost at the very least!
these are good accomplishments!
Fiery Grump
/o/ you're doing it!! you're doing things and that's great
☀️ ceeshine!
;; thank you guys... i am trying 2 be nice to myself about things but lol
Fiery Grump
you're doing good! we're here to help remind you that you're doing good!!
☀️ ceeshine!
y'all so nice to me always
Eko *:・゚✧
I feel that yeah ;o; Just do your best at your pace!!
☀️ ceeshine!
vibes today: rancid
☀️ ceeshine!
frustrated by the fact that all i have done today is burn energy on a very bad mood bc i still have so much to do re: trip prep and i am very stressed, but i'm just gonna set out some more stuff to pack and take advantage of being tired to try and actually go to bed @ _ @
☀️ ceeshine!
i haven't slept properly in over a week and i'm sure that hasn't been helping with my mood
Fiery Grump
☀️ ceeshine!
have spent the better part of my day feeling nauseous with anxiety and i am Over It
☀️ ceeshine!
second-guessing my trip and all my life choices up to this point bc of irrational anxiety over the possibility that my covid test result will not come back before it's time for me to leave
☀️ ceeshine!
hate that I always seem to get headaches when I visit friends but I have had a very nice day driving to the beach tomorrow to see everyone else
Fiery Grump
glad you've had a nice day!! you deserve nice days!
yay for vaycay!
☀️ ceeshine!
thank u friends
☀️ ceeshine!
https://images.plurk.com/3z5kX3V8vCrocjHvbKav97.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6p7ufzZjx3kCFNfvnv6HrM.jpg we are IN TRANSIT
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
two cuties!!
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
and heterochromia!!
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
the only hetero I like
☀️ ceeshine!
☀️ ceeshine!
yes he is a beautiful boy!!! very dumb, very pretty. prime himbo
𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑚 ⚖️
I love him
☀️ ceeshine!
and he loves YOU
☀️ ceeshine!
he has not met u but he loves u
☀️ ceeshine!
https://images.plurk.com/1xbnFmIQscC6juddG6T693.png fwends home and i miss everyone so much already
☀️ ceeshine!
do not have to report for jury duty tomorrow thank fucking god
☀️ ceeshine!
i can sleep in and pay off some of my sleep debt
Eko *:・゚✧
God I'm so fucking glad you don't gotta
hekki grace
cee your hat
☀️ ceeshine!
☀️ ceeshine!
my hat is a watermelon slice! 🍉🍉🍉
hekki grace
good hat
☀️ ceeshine!
ty ty
☀️ ceeshine!
unpacked about 90% of my stuff... I will do the rest later
☀️ ceeshine!
I'm so tired but if I go to bed now I know I will wake up at shit o'clock
☀️ ceeshine!
me setting my alarm: this is just a precaution, surely I won't actually sleep for 13 hours straight
my sleep-deprived body: :-)
☀️ ceeshine!
i truly...cannot stand...when people do not pay attention to very simple things
☀️ ceeshine!
how many times will my dad eat my food because i didn't label it and he has so little awareness of his surroundings that he doesn't check VERY OBVIOUS SIGNS to make sure he has the right thing
☀️ ceeshine!
crankily plays deltarune
☀️ ceeshine!
new sayori plurk emote just dropped
☀️ ceeshine!
watching dan salvato's ddlc anniversary stream and this is one of his channel emotes and i'm she's so CUTE
☀️ ceeshine!
more sayoyo ALWAYS
hekki grace
steals this
☀️ ceeshine!
hekki grace
☀️ ceeshine!
i said something in the wrap-up of dan salvato's ddlc anniversary stream bc i did not want to waste the opportunity to say thank u and he actually responded
☀️ ceeshine!
so between that and friend vacation i have now felt enough emotions to last me at least a year
☀️ ceeshine!
speaking of emotions. boy are they weird now
☀️ ceeshine!
sighs and opens up deltarune with insomnia resignation
☀️ ceeshine!
post-vacation depression has officially caught up with me despite my success in staving it off for a bit
☀️ ceeshine!
my poor emotions. my poor sleep schedule. casualties in all this
Eko *:・゚✧
☀️ ceeshine!
Eko *:・゚✧
hang in there bb I'll see you in two weeks ;~;
☀️ ceeshine!
Eko *:・゚✧
Sketchjam tonight too if you're up for it!!
☀️ ceeshine!
me: I am sad today
omocat: your gay sweater has been shipped out
me: I am still sad today but 1% less so
Eko *:・゚✧
☀️ ceeshine!
yes I plan to be there!!
hekki grace
omocat like I'm sending you cute girls
☀️ ceeshine!
emergency cute girl injection
Eko *:・゚✧
☀️ ceeshine!
the mail truck tearing thru traffic with a siren slapped on top of it
cant wait to wear our gay sweaters together
☀️ ceeshine!
Eko *:・゚✧
hekki grace
The cute girl ambulance like Wowwwolooowooooo
☀️ ceeshine!
☀️ ceeshine!
☀️ ceeshine!
insomnia and fucked sleeping schedule due to Weird Emotional States continues but I am thinking about how many cool and nice people I have met throughout my life and being amazed and touched at how many of them (y'all) have stuck around for so long
☀️ ceeshine!
https://images.plurk.com/4hluq8RJQ1KxD2P5Yp3mbN.jpg blessed with serotonin today
☀️ ceeshine!
Girls! girls! girls!!!
☀️ ceeshine!
i picked a very bad day to hedge my bets on fixing my schedule thru a nap + going to bed early
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my period started so instead of getting up when I wanted I slept for about 16 hours
☀️ ceeshine!
Why God
☀️ ceeshine!
ouchie indeed!!!
☀️ ceeshine!
i also just remembered it is the 1st of the month so i need to make a new chatterplurk... i will do that in a bit