we’re legends
[what if] it's a liveplurking kind of day

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"what if Doctor Strange lost his heart instead of his hands?" well that's terrifying, can't wait

we’re legends
so the different choice here is Christine being in the car crash, which leads to her death. I was hoping for something a little more literal and less fridge-y, but fine. I will miss Rachel McAdams, she's definitely better at this voice acting thing than Cucumber.

we’re legends
"I suggest you join me before you do something reckless." And in another universe, he did.

we’re legends
we get more of rachel after all, yay

we’re legends
ah, we're doing a "destiny says fuck you" story

we’re legends
lol she literally just has a heart attack out of nowhere

we’re legends
Cucumber with the Big No, excellent. His voice acting has steadied out; maybe I was just distracted by his continuing-to-be-AWFUL accent.

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the Ancient One has had enough of this shit

we’re legends

we’re legends
they're calling it an Absolute Point, but whatever, I'm sticking with Doctor Who terminology here

we’re legends
oh my god, he's doing that "talk louder and slower to the brown person who obviously does not speak English" thing STEPHEN STOP

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never mind that this dude actually does, that's not the point

we’re legends
loved all the cranky runes though

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"please tell me you're not Cagliostro" loooool i love a show of genre savviness

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"(captivating music plays)" i have questions about that choice of adjective, being that it is incorrect

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"gain the power through the absorption of other beings" YIKES

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Stephen go home

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tentacle monster! am going to go ahead and assume it's the same one as episode one

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or the - whatever, you know what i mean

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No, Stephen, that is the WRONG LESSON

we’re legends
i'm sorry what is evil David the Gnome doing here

we’re legends
oh so the bug's cape is good enough but its power isn't, i see how it is

we’re legends
"he's on the wrong path" no shit, dude, thanks

we’re legends
anyway this is very obviously going to end very badly for this particular timeline, i don't need the Watcher's help to figure that out

we’re legends
Stephen welcomes the embrace of the tentacles NO COMMENT

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he accepts the penetration with eyes closed and face lax NO COMMENNNNNT

we’re legends

we’re legends
like it was just an off-the-cuff comment, but we are now seeing the Strange who DID go join Wong for tea!

we’re legends
glad i've been calling the dumbass one Stephen this whole time, that will help differentiate lol

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oooh the visuals for how bad Stephen's fucked this universe up are very creepy and very good

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the Ancient One has read my mind in re: how are there even two of him in one timeline, thanks babe

we’re legends
hell yeah talk of good old fashioned paradoxes. ngl i have missed that in the MCU. no such thing as a paradox, boring

we’re legends
Wong is taking this deterioration into black goo tendrils very well, good for him

we’re legends
The captions are calling Stephen "Strange Supreme." I'm sticking with Stephen.

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thought Cucumber was nailing a line reading for a second, turned out to be electronic modulation lol

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one minute later: extra nasal. god why didn't they at least get a Brit who can handle a generic American accent. why.

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Stephen just needs a hug man

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and a nap

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and someone to point out that destroying the world will render saving Christine redundant. she needs the world to live, my dude

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Stephen's hand turned into tentacles and wraps around Strange's throat NO COMMENT

we’re legends

we’re legends
the cape is the best character!

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Stephen-as-Christine attempting to seduce Strange SHOW STEPHEN DOING THE FACE-CUPPING YOU COWARDS

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wow Stephen's so evil he changed the color of the time stone

we’re legends
Stephen is discovering the drawbacks of, you know, ending the world

we’re legends
ooh, direct contact with the Watcher, don't think we've seen that yet.

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he is tired of Stephen's shit

we’re legends
and he tells Stephen to fuck off, excellent

saku 🌠
the face cupping?

we’re legends
fuck yes, I was worried for a few minutes there that i wasn't going to get the grim apocalyptic ending i was promised

we’re legends
Yep, hand on the face being all cute, took it away before morphing back into himself, boo

we’re legends
Another solid episode! The last two have been much better than the first two; episode one was okay, but kind of weak, and episode two went further with its premise than I could go along with (though I appear to have been in the minority and I accept that).

we’re legends
but i want the zombies, they better not being saving that one for last, it would be a weird note to end the season on

saku 🌠
which one was episode two again

we’re legends
Starlord T'Challa

saku 🌠
oh yeah that sounded like it went too far to me too

we’re legends
i hope you are not experiencing this show solely through my liveplurking

saku 🌠
right now yes XD

saku 🌠
i gotta watch it before my disney plus expires

we’re legends
do it, each episode is around half an hour so it won't take long to catch up, and it's fun

zombies is I think the 6th episode

so we have 2 more to go

I want my Bucky angst

(though I'm afraid they're going to focus that episode on Peter, he's in it too)

(you'll like that, I imagine(

we’re legends
I want both their angst

Peter gets Strange's cape

so the cape will return

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I love that we both went NO THE CAPE

we’re legends
I laughed when I saw that, yes

no next I think is the Tony/Killmonger one, then zombies, then Tony vs Gamorra? then the finale is Multiverse Avengers vs Ultron + Infinity Stones

or wait there's one more in there, that's only 8

we’re legends
i am excited for all these things you're telling me

god there's a list somewhere /hunts for it

oh Party Thor, that's the one I missed

I think that one might be before zombies actually

zombies is third from the end, I remember that. because second from the end is Tony Gamora, and end is Ultron

we’re legends
cool. I can be patient

okay found the list, Party Thor is next, then Killmonger, then zombies

we’re legends