[Prehistoric Artistic Nudity] I was just reminded of this glorious lady, and I feel like you guys should be, too.
For those uninitiated, that's the Venus of Willendorf, and ancient fertility idol from Austria.
She's also very smol, she fits in the palm of your hand. And I love her.
She's also from 25,000-30,000 years old, so this pretty lady predates lots of things. Even the pyramids!
The bobbles on her head are thought to represent braids in her hair, or they could be a headdress.
papermint tiger
papermint tiger
i'm pretty sure i got to go see her in person when we went to Europe
papermint tiger
it was very cool
Awww, lucky! I want to see her so much! There was a gigantic version of her used in the second Hellboy movie, and the second I saw her on screen, it was one of those "OOH, OOH, OOH! I KNOW HER!" moments. lol
...also, looking up ancient venus figurines brings up this idiotic article, and I cannot roll my eyes hard enough into the back of my head.
Just because a body is nude does not mean it is pornography, Derek.
papermint tiger
also it's dumb that they even included a fertility figure there
Yes, there are some ancient sculptures and artistic depictions that were actually meant to be pornographic. But there were just as many, if not more, depictions that were not.
papermint tiger
a. they were usually gods anyway and therefore not really things people lusted after (lest they incur the wrath of said god), and b. ancient people just didn't think of their bodies as sexual in the same way we do
papermint tiger
they valued other things in sexual encounters
papermint tiger
see: all the cultures that just let the boobs hang out
Right??? That guy seriously missed the fucking mark in his "I'm holier than thou because I don't like porn and only believe in borking my wife with a sheet with a hole between us as God Intended!" bullshit.
But yeah, seriously, these were Goddesses, they were meant to be idolized and worshipped and prayed to for blessings! Their naked figure was just because not every fucking culture has this puritan hangup about our bodies like the US insists on indoctrinating into us from infancy!
papermint tiger