Corpse Sniffer
forgot to say I treated myself while doing adult things and finally got fe3h bc talking about it reminded me I wanted to play
Corpse Sniffer
( still unfortunately have to do adult stuff tomorrow)
Corpse Sniffer
Corpse Sniffer
plurk mobile if you fuck that up I'm deleting you
Rᴏʟʟɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʀ ★
ohhh enjoy \:V/ it's a fun game
I have no regrets
Corpse Sniffer
idk which route to start with since apparently I'll love the blue lions or whatever
Corpse Sniffer
can I at least date one guy .. ...who isn't Niles .......or friendzones me or whatever this game is doin
Corpse Sniffer
god I wish I could mess around during work but everyone is somehow even worse today
You can indeed have romantic relationships with more than one guy as Bylad, although your options limited
You can choose from...Linhardt, Jeritza(Black Eagles only), and Yuri, with Yuri being a DLC character
(Technically you also have BFF friendzone endings with Alois and Gilbert)
Meanwhile, if you're Bylass, your options for f/f romances are Edelgard, Mercedes, Dorothea, Rhea, and Sothis, all of which are romantic
They're also all available in base game, and the only route-locked one is Edelgard (which makes sense because she's a lord, and all the lords are locked to their routes no matter what you want to do with them)
So the m/m options definitely feel more restrictive, considering one is route-locked, one is DLC-locked, and two of them are faux romances
Corpse Sniffer
bylad ndjdueud
I can't take credit for Bylad and Bylass, they were termed thus by the FE3H community at large
Corpse Sniffer
I mean I'll start out as bylad, even if I'm grumpled I can't date dimitri
Also NEITHER DIMITRI NOR CLAUDE ARE BI OPTIONS which enrages many fans, Dimitri because he is obviously so deeply affectionate with Byleth and Claude because THERE IS A VERY, VERY OBVIOUS AND CRUEL BI TEASE IF YOU PLAY BYLAD
Corpse Sniffer
will also have 2 look into the ladies too
Like, it's not queerbaiting specifically
Corpse Sniffer
oh man I'm gonna suffer
It's just a very pointed indication that Claude is willing to flirt no matter what gender you are
Corpse Sniffer
Claude u ho
And then IntSys doesn't follow up on that by making him romanceable to Bylad
Corpse Sniffer
also want to date him....
It's so bad that STRAIGHT MEN complain about Claude not being a bi option
You know you fucked up when straight male gamers are going 'why isn't he bi though'
Corpse Sniffer
omfg that's how you know you fucked up
Corpse Sniffer
also Claude being ppls bi awakening I can get behind
Oh absolutely
Have I shown you the gems of Claude doing that
Because that's my favorite thing
Corpse Sniffer
I know like nothing of this game outside the dating thing and like
Corpse Sniffer
what little I've seen James yell about eye patch man
Corpse Sniffer
(also I love Niles but he is like an awful person)
Corpse Sniffer
oh my god
Corpse Sniffer
Claude is dangerous
There are multiple articles on gaming websites going WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE BI, INTSYS
Also, that one about help Claude von Riegan is threatening my heterosexuality included this as the picture in its original context
And it's like...yeah, that tracks
This is the original context and like...reading the responses is great
duck bastard
duck bastard
callie already covered the rage inducing matter of "why aren't dimitri and claude also bi romanceable"
duck bastard
but I will say that, like... if you want a good feel of how the story progresses and changes, I've heard that the best order is Blue Lions, Black Eagles, Church Route (an offshoot of BE), and finally Golden Deer
duck bastard
but really just go with whatever is in your heart
Corpse Sniffer
(also yeah i didnt get the dlc b/c im like well ill see if i like the game enough first)
Corpse Sniffer
tho i might go with blue lions first b/c it is apparently the Himbo Team
Corpse Sniffer
the real question is bylad considered a himbo......i hope he/she's stupid
Corpse Sniffer
claude still seems like excellent bi material
Corpse Sniffer
i also dusted off my old fe fates game so i could go in there and was having a suprising amount of fun for how shit i am at strategem
Corpse Sniffer
which mostly amounts to 'uhhhh strongest units first? ill put jacob behind this wall i guess and group everyone close together azura stop almost dying i beg'
Corpse Sniffer
i will try to liveblog all my complete and utter failures of raising units and deploying them correctly
Corpse Sniffer
'maddening difficulty has been added in this update' how about I fuckin dont
Corpse Sniffer
also bylad should also get a battle corset
Corpse Sniffer
finally calmed down enough at work I can dick around a little
duck bastard
i agree, bylad should also get a battle corset
duck bastard
or at least the leggings
Corpse Sniffer
Corpse Sniffer
the leggings are nice
Corpse Sniffer
also I like that edelgard has the axe.
Corpse Sniffer
yeah ur right dimitri is the mvp
Corpse Sniffer
he's so baby faced rn.....
Corpse Sniffer
also apparently Sothis can rewind time which is nice bc I'm bad at games
duck bastard
he is just a simple blond.....
Corpse Sniffer
I met the gatekeeper!!!!! the most important charcter
Corpse Sniffer
also I was like 'oh yeah I'm his kid' thinking I was being sassy but apparently byleth is what's his faces kid
Corpse Sniffer
the more u know then
Corpse Sniffer
Claude pls stop flirting
Note: my personal recommendation is to play Golden Deer before church route
You may in fact want to never play church route at all
It's almost identical to Golden Deer, except you don't get Claude
So a lot of people's opinions of church route is "why would I bother"
You get roughly the same story with Golden Deer and better unit access
Church route really doesn't have anything special to recommend it
But yeah, I would say never to play church route before Golden Deer, because otherwise Golden Deer will feel like a letdown
Church route will feel like a letdown if you play Golden Deer first, but it's kind of a lame duck route anyway considering you're forced to pass up on all the lords, so its being repetitive on top of that will feel less disappointing
Because obviously the only reason you'd be playing that route would be for 100% completion
Whereas if you want to play Golden Deer for Claude, presumably you want to actually enjoy his route
And the route is enjoyable...the first time you go through it
It's just going through a mirror image route that gets old
A lot of people just skip the church route, but those who play it before Golden Deer always wind up disappointed
So, imo, church route is the unfinished route
Where they just had to c/p Golden Deer because they didn't have time to make it unique
And it would be a shame to ruin Claude's route just to play a route with no unique characters and no unique storyline before his
And then wind up playing the route it cribbed all its work from directly after it
Corpse Sniffer
i didnt even know there was a church route so
Well, absolutely go ahead and play church route for completionist's sake if you want, there's nothing wrong with that
But the Golden Deer route is great, and I'd hate to have playing through a route that apes it while also not giving you the best character of Claude's route (aka Claude) rob Golden Deer of its charm before you've had a chance to play it
Also, that said...Black Eagles is a good second choice of route, but if you do play it, you might wanna check in with people about it
Corpse Sniffer
i mean i already love claude so i would probably go hunt 4 him
Because unlike the other routes, you have to take Specific Actions to make sure you STAY on that route
Corpse Sniffer
but so tempting to lions first......
Otherwise you get shunted off into church route
Corpse Sniffer
oh great
Church route is kind of the failure state of Black Eagle route
Where you end up if you fuck up
Corpse Sniffer
yeah i should....look that up when im not trying to marry dimitri i mean uh
Also, Blue Lions is genuinely a great first choice!
Corpse Sniffer
i want to be surrounded by himbos!!!
In terms of lore, Blue Lions -> Black Eagles -> Golden Deer is the best slowly pulling back of the curtain to help you understand what's going on
Corpse Sniffer
also i think i am probably going to accidentally ruin byleth's life by picking all the stupid options for his dialogue
Corpse Sniffer
claude is the final boss isnt he
But also, Blue Lions is just a great starter house with a ton of solid characters
Corpse Sniffer
me, picking characters i like purely based on looks and personality: what
Corpse Sniffer
he is the final boss for all straight men
Claude is a good boy!!!! But the final boss varies by route, actually
None of the routes have the same final boss
Corpse Sniffer
ddf that makes sense
Okay that one is true though
Corpse Sniffer
it was kind of similar in fe fates aka the only other fe game ive played
Also, I mean solid characters both in terms of gameplay, looks, and personality!!
BL is just great
Corpse Sniffer
Also, I will tell you now
Corpse Sniffer
im tired from ths shit workday but i did get to the part where i get to wander around and talk to everyone aka my fav past time
You can steal units from other houses
Corpse Sniffer
yeah i think you guys mentioned recruiting at some point
Corpse Sniffer
i like bylads flappy flappy coat, tho im still mad he doesnt get an armor corset
Corpse Sniffer
i hope fanartists have rectified this
The only units you can't recruit out of their houses are Edelgard, her evil butler Hubert, Dimitri, his simp Dedue, and Claude
Corpse Sniffer
oh yeah i asked edelgard about her lackeys and im like 'that guy straight up looks like an evil butler'
Claude's bff/retainer is Hilda but she's pretty chill about joining other houses, unlike Hubert and Dedue who would rather die than leave their lords
(Hilda won't join a Black Eagles run though)
Corpse Sniffer
also dsklfjd his simp dedue
I love Dedue
Corpse Sniffer
i have only talked to edelgard so far...i will go and talk to everyone else when im not dead
But also that's the quickest way to describe him
Very valid
Corpse Sniffer
i believe u
Corpse Sniffer
knowing a tiny bit of how dimitri kind of just ends up i see him rn like 'you are baby. what happens to you'
But yeah, to recruit other characters, you need to make them like Byleth a certain amount + have some skills that student wants you to teach them
Like, Felix is a sword bitch, so he wants Byleth to be good at swords before he joins their class
Best way to do it is to raise a student's support level to B
Then they'll like you enough that they'll ask to join you even if your skill level in their favored areas is pretty low
Corpse Sniffer
me @ everyone i like: LET ME LOVE YOU
Corpse Sniffer
i do not know whomst i like yet
Fun fact: Sylvain's so thirsty with the ladies that, if you're not playing Blue Lions(and thus already have him), he'll jump right into Bylass' class the minute she asks, absolutely nothing else required
He is swayed by tits
Corpse Sniffer
we will se
Corpse Sniffer
sylvain what the fuck man
He is a simple man
Corpse Sniffer
are bylads tiddies not enough
(This is a lie, Sylvain is the best shameless flirt archetype IntSys has ever written)
Corpse Sniffer
im still laughing at the idea of bylass just like 'hey you wanna' 'YES'
(I loved Inigo in Awakening but Sylvain kicks his entire ass)
Oh god there are so many jokes and comics about that
Corpse Sniffer
wasnt that like....laslow as well
Laslow is literally just. Inigo.
Like he is actually Inigo from Awakening who slipped into the Fates world magically, that's his actual story
So yeah, if you know Laslow, you know Inigo
Corpse Sniffer
yeah thats why i was like...i think that was true? but idk enough about fe bullshit to say for sertain
Corpse Sniffer
but yes i know laslow '
Corpse Sniffer
he's useless
Corpse Sniffer
love him
Corpse Sniffer
im gonna make byleth as stupid as possible
I liked Inigo much better than Laslow, partly because Inigo didn't have the ridiculous accent but also because you saw more of Inigo's good points in Awakening, but yeah, I'm glad you're familiar with him
Now imagine Laslow if his characterization was a thousand times better
Corpse Sniffer
lol i dont remember his voice at all and to be fair it has been awhile since i have played fates....
Corpse Sniffer
i just dusted off my revalation run and i have not gotten to meeting him yet
Very valid
Corpse Sniffer
made myself a lady corrin so i could be a furry
Corpse Sniffer
but yes i should zzz but hopefully i wont suck at the combat and everything else too much b/c i made it the babiest mode i could
Corpse Sniffer
no phoenix mode tho
It's fine, the babiest mode in 3H is identical to Phoenix mode iirc
If you lose a unit in battle, they're only unavailable until the next battle
Also, you've got the ability to rewind time if you fuck up a turn
And you can earn more rewinds as you play
Corpse Sniffer
phoenix mode actually revives your units at the end of the turn slkfjd
Corpse Sniffer
i will sruvive.....
Corpse Sniffer
weapon durability sounds like a pain tho
Oh right, I forgot about that
There are two ways around weapon durability, although both...require significant over-leveling to be feasible, because they involve sacrificing nearly all weapon strength to do
One involves leveling up fists enough to master one of the early fist classes, which unlocks the ability to fight unarmed, aka without weapons
Of course, this comes with a lot of tradeoffs
1) You get no bonus damage from weapon strength because you're not using a weapon at all, so to do any appreciable damage it helps to be significantly stronger/a higher level than your enemy
2) You can ONLY use fists, which means no weapon triangle and no ranged attacks
3) Only male characters can use the fist-related classes, for some reason, presumably as a tradeoff for only female characters being able to access the pegasus classes
Generally, it's not worth it
Slightly more viable is to find and use rusted weapons
These weapons are essentially already broken, so they have no durability and can be used infinitely...but again, there are drawbacks
1) Since they're broken weapons, all their stats are terrible - strength, accuracy, crit rate, weight, you name it. The only way you can use them effectively is to be way stronger than your enemies already, and ideally to have very high stats!
But they're better than unarmed fighting because they do have some stats, and also they come in every weapon type
The good news is that there's a third option!
And this one is the intended way to play the game
After a certain number of early chapters, you'll unlock the blacksmith, who can - for some materials and gold - repair your weapon durability at a fraction of the cost of buying a whole new weapon!
And almost all of the normal weapons only require a very basic material to repair, which you can just buy as much of as you need/can afford
So you may need to grind for gold/weapons in the early stages before you unlock the blacksmith, but you can save the broken ones (they don't vanish once they're broken, they just become unusable until they're repaired) and then fix them up once the blacksmith is available
The fancier weapons can't really be repaired as easily, though, so you'll need to be more careful with those
Corpse Sniffer
yeah i was hoping that there was a way to repair weapons
Corpse Sniffer
im still laughting at 'my magic spell is FIST'
Corpse Sniffer
also so far the ui and the way they show targeting in this game is pretty intuitive, I guess I'll just have to try and get the hang of positioning
Corpse Sniffer
and like....when to use abilities.....tho I'm bad at building characters I'm like 'oh this seems fun for them'
For the record, if you're playing on the easiest difficulty setting, you have the option of just grinding infinite battles
This lets you grind skills, supports, levels, etc
Also money
Corpse Sniffer
u understimat my impatience
Corpse Sniffer
I sometime end up under leveled bc I wanna find out what next!!!
Very fair, I'm just saying the option is available
And it can be worthwhile for grinding supports, at least, since that's how you recruit characters
Corpse Sniffer
yeah that does sound nice tho
And you basically get about one calendar year or so - maybe a little less - to recruit everyone you're going to
After that you can't grab people anymore
Corpse Sniffer
might end up doing that for characters at least
Corpse Sniffer
grabby hands at all the stupid ones
Corpse Sniffer
also me laughing already at everyone thinking byleth is a student
For the record, you will absolutely want Ferdinand and Caspar
They're both perfect himbos
Corpse Sniffer
will try my best
Unfortunately they're also some of the hardest to recruit
Ferdinand especially, because he wants the heavy armor skill and that one is awkward to level
Corpse Sniffer
I will read a guide and yell!!!
Corpse Sniffer
this is the closest I can get to making a himbo harem for bylad
Corpse Sniffer
I will give bylad some gfs
Corpse Sniffer