Wayward Haze
Looking for recommendations on places to buy used media (DVDs, etc) that aren't Amazon (ew) or eBay (inconsistent results/quality).
Wayward Haze
I already have ThriftBooks and ABE and a couple other places for print, but movies and shows are still A Thing
are there any local used bookstores? A local one near me has more than just books, including DVDs and CDs
Pawn shops?
ThriftBooks actually does cds, dvds, video games - I don't know how good the selection is because I don't go there for that, but I know they have sections for it
Wayward Haze
shinotenshi22 : A few! I usually have Newbury Comics as my go-to for used movies, but the closest one is an hour away
Wayward Haze
I do love them though
ours is the next town over, and I don't get there nearly as often as I probably should. But they expanded space several years ago and I'm pleased for them
This is a local for me but they ship everywhere New & Used Books, Textbooks, Music & Movies | Half P...
They also donate to the community and before the dark times held warehouse sales multiple times a year and you bought a bag for 20 bucks and as many books, movies, music as you could fit in it you got.
To clear out inventory since they buy a ton of stuff back from people every year too. They do really good work in the cumminuty.
They are all over, not just here but I don't think any super close to you.
Wayward Haze
Oh that sounds so lovely.
Wayward Haze
PrincessBatty : Thanks! Found what I was looking for $10 cheaper than Walmart. Gonna order when I get paid!