not a bumblebee
robotnik's getting his wrist computer (with all his music) now that i've finally stopped procrastinating on actually putting the mana request in
not a bumblebee
playlist time
not a bumblebee
slightly less importantly he can use it to hook up with tech and he still has his flight suit gloves and fourthie power of minor tech control so it can all synthesize pretty well
not a bumblebee
but also t u n e s
bust out the crush 40 bro
not a bumblebee
hell fuckin yeah
Unpleasant Bug
dance party time
not a bumblebee
b o o g i e
OOOH now THAT's a good mana purchase
not a bumblebee
hell yeah
not a bumblebee
i always just end up thinking of mana purchases and then just accumulating coins and doing nothing but THIS TIME i was like OK GONNA DO IT
not a bumblebee