Ceejay Writer
This was a fun book to review! Blimey, I’m Knackered! – A License to Quill
This is funny. A lot of my listening is from British authors, so I have spent a bit of time googling terms that were not clear from context and now catch my self using some of the more frequent terms myself. Which of course reads as pretentious anglophile, rather than somewhat addled consumer of large quantities of literature.
Stereo Nacht
Unfortunately, "consumer of large quantities of literature" is often equated with "elitist snob" by some... (annoyed)
I might want to clarify my definition of "Literature" (lmao)
Laundry Files, Rivers of London, Oddjobs, Clovenhoof...
I need to read this book!
Stereo Nacht
Still reading those fancy-shmancy "books"... With words longer than two syllables! ;-)
Ceejay Writer
I've read 65 books this year... wait, 67, two of them need reviews posted still. And am reading two more right now. And I am not a snob. I'm an addict. :-D