we’re legends
[what if] i wasn't gonna liveplurk this but
we’re legends
i'm dying help me
we’re legends
i've been laughing since thanos showed up and i can't stop
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look i get that t'challa is THE BEST but like
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come on
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anyway i'm very glad i happened to watch the gotg movies this week
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which is not something i expected to say about t'challa's episode but there you go
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nebula calls him cha-cha
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help me
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oh wakanda was destroyed without t'challa to safeguard it. i am laughing . . . less . . . now
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i'm guessing killmonger ran it into the ground
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everyone making fun of thanos is hilarious though
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so i guess yondu just like. gave up on finding quill? i saw kurt russell's name in the credits, so i'm pretty sure that's gonna bite him in the ass. you know, right before t'challa talks ego into using his powers to save orphaned puppies or some shit
we’re legends
whoops wakanda is fine, yondu lied about it
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which is just about the first thing in this episode that has made sense
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nebula not actually a traitor, second thing that makes sense
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well korvath (i think that's his name?) being a t'challa fanboy is also fun
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"Not crazy. Mad." /head in hands/ to think the first episode showed so much promise
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i love this nonsense where tivan is a big buff scary bastard. sure, okay
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thanos with no stones (heh) is disappointingly easy to beat up
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i'm so sad chadwick boseman's last starring turn as t'challa was wasted on THIS
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thing i do actually like: not only does carina get to live, but she quite happily orchestrates tivan's murder. good for her.
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aww they saved the dog too
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anyway yondu lying about t'challa's country being destroyed and family dead is water under the bridge now apparently. did you know t'challa is GOOD? he is very good, you see.
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okoye also not on board with thanos's previous plan. "my friend, that sounds a lot like genocide." "no no no, because it's random." "uh-huh."
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meanwhile this universe is fucked because ego manages to track down adult quill by himself, and that's where the episode ends.
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they've dedicated this mess to boseman. that's . . . nice, i guess
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i cannot imagine they brought kurt russell in for literally one line, i expect to see ego again
I mean yes they went totally overboard on the T'Challa is awesome, and the THanos redemption is meh, but it's still hilarious XD
also T'Challa will be back in future episodes, so it's not JUST this episode as his last role
we’re legends
I definitely laughed my ass off, just not for the reasons I think they wanted us to
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good, i will always be glad to see t'challa
it was nice to see everyone calling out Thanos tho. "captain genocide" I will probably call him that forever now
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that was pretty great. and i did love okoye being like, okay dude, sure
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maybe it's because i'm in the middle of endgame. i cannot with thanos, but i just don't buy that any version of him could be swayed by words alone.
I still can't get over Nebula with hair tbh
we’re legends