- because the Empire outlaws religion, the festival in Isari where they hunt a number of plesiosaurs and offer them to the gods has stopped being observed
and like, this isn't even going into all the further downstream ecological effects of taking these fish out of the ecosystem, they're huge by the time they get to the Eorzean seas
which is something you can't avoid engaging with when you come to Isari in the plot, but only here do you see "oh, it's because they've stopped culling this huge aquatic predator because that was a religious practice and they're not allowed to do religion anymore"
which turns out to be him meeting with Govv, which he's reluctant to tell her about because her village was raided by Sahagin when she was a kid and he's really not sure how she'll take him working with one
and yet you participate in Final Fantasy. curious!
oh thank the Twelve is THAT all he was up to. I'm going to feed him his waders.