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workday done, pizza ordered, now time to relax. and hopefully poke at some tags after dinner
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today wasn't nearly as busy as I thought it would be. which on one hand, nice. but on the other, I was all ready to work 10 today in hopes of maybe not working extra Friday or before my vacation hours start on Weds
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so totally expecting tomorrow to be a shitshow to make up for today, lol
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gotta do laundry tonight and figure out where to put stuff so I can clear off my bed, after a week of sleeping on the sofa (admittedly a decently comfy sofa) my shoulders and neck have about had enough I think
heck yes pizza!
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siiigh I really really hate feeling tired enough for sleep when the sun hasn't even set yet
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not going to give in to it but it still irritates me
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though to be fair I'm also irritated that I can't do some furniture rearranging that I'd like to do because I don't have anywhere to put some stuff
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have some stuff I've finally decided to (probably) get rid of, stuff that's made it through a couple moves and still lives in boxes (because no proper place to put it). but of course since someone manages to fill up the trash and recycle bins crazy early in the week I can't really clean/sort because there's no space to take stuff out
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really wish there was another proper room downstairs. it's amazing what a difference not having four walls to lean/set stuff up against can do. and my bedroom has limited options bc the closet has folding doors and it takes up most of its wall, the opposite wall has the long window that I can't block because gotta be able to get to the window in an emergency
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I remember when we were looking at this house and I was told we'd build another small office type room in the unfinished part so I would have more space. lol. that quickly got ditched because of where they put the water heater and hvac, and the thing for the central vac (that never gets used)
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and of course now knowing where water occasionally leaks in, it's basically an unspoken conclusion that that room will just remain unfinished
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I'm just sooooo sick of living with stuff still boxed up and randomly stacked, or stuff crammed in because nowhere else to put it
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and the crazy thing is I technically still have a bunch of stuff in storage back in Iowa at my grandparents' house, from waaaay back like, idk, 15 years ago or something now
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although I've kind of written that stuff off because I know there was a water problem at some point, and mice in the basement at some point, so who knows what condition anything is in. my hope chest with some expensive shit in it is at my sister's house so I know it's fine
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I'd really like the rest of my books some day but again, they're probably trashed or otherwise in a condition I'd want to replace
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/okay really done rambling this time
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also. still have not gotten my new phone set up -.-
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maybe I'll do that tomorrow. or at least on my day off at the latest
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not bad just. "can't do this because of this, can't put that there because I need a place for this and I can't move that until xyz" so on and so forth
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I wonder if part of these blahs - aside from the work crap and the basement flooding last week and still trying to dry out all the damp spots - aside from all the perfectly valid reasons
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I wonder if some small subconscious part is the fact I've been sleeping on the sofa for a week

the same sofa that I slept on (when not on a crappy air mattress) when I was essentially living out of a clothes basket, staying with them in his average-sized mobile home

that oh so fun period when I was deeply depressed
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yeah not going to dwell on that too much bc I'd like to feel halfway decent when I have time off this week
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well laundry didn't happen, but after stress eating the rest of the pizza I moved all the crap off my bed so at least I can be back in my room tonight
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now to put on some tunes and just try to chill for an hour or so before I relent to going to bed. I'm sure 5am is going to come 'round way too soon
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and maybe tomorrow I can actually poke at more of my inbox