sailor bii
which I worked very hard on!
Flash Bastard
sailor bii
Flash Bastard 00000000 Mrs Sheepie PG Tapired you have characters with cameos in the crowd scene
sailor bii
sailor bii
(previous syn characters when showing up will be referred to by minor arcana code names for Reasons)
sailor bii
legal reasons
Flash Bastard
/waits for someone to ask why the bartender's not a Cup
go тo вread
Flash Bastard
Also, if you guys ever want the Yomi drinks list... you may not want to refer to some of 'em by name to preserve Legal Reasons plausible deniability, but. Just say the word.
Flash Bastard
(Nifleheim's probably safe enough.)
Flash Bastard
...Niflheim, fingers.)
sailor bii
Flash Bastard
The least Obviously Purse ones can keep their names.
If you want I can give them high level aliases based on I/O and other worlds referenced in the first post?
Flash Bastard
That might work.
sailor bii
yes, that def works
link me the list and I'll do a correspondence
Flash Bastard
boop (It's view-only, but feel free to copy it for your own files.)
Flash Bastard
...also. I just realised.
Flash Bastard
Sakura may be the Liminal Therapist of this lot, but JOHNNY IS THE YOLONINJA.
no, that's Akane
Flash Bastard
Por que no las dos?
Mrs Sheepie
sailor bii
gil is only the best recruiter
Mrs Sheepie
he has people skills AND won't filter that it might suck sometimes
sailor bii
sailor bii
sailor bii
he was a good choice for the protag
sailor bii
recruiting them. i mean. obvs we don't know who protag is
Mrs Sheepie : less of course you have Opinions on this. Vote is open!
Mrs Sheepie
o i'm good with it, don't worry! i'll let you know if he feels weird for something
sailor bii
i'll try to always let you guys know before i use people going forth, unless it's a big-ass crowd scene
sailor bii
(likely a lot of speaking parts with the minors will be handled by our guys, but maybe not all of 'em)
Flash Bastard
HILARIOUSLY I think this person trying to guess at the expy/inspiration stuff for the possible protags stumbled into an Entirely Correct Answer:
Flash Bastard
funnly enough I did read about a Table top RPG on Tv troups with a similar premise to The Children's Crusade, mechas powered by emonal bonds
sailor bii
ahahaha god
Cerise ♢
/popcorns. So much popcornage.
Cerise ♢
Hoping this all goes well! Wherever my nerds are they're sending support.
Flash Bastard : i will never be free of the indiscretions of my youth
/chinhands I may have to make an account to watch this more closely
FluffyFaeCat : it will also allow you to vote, and the whole place is lousy with quests and great fic
highly recommend
of these renamed drinks
sailor bii
Cerise ♢ : he can totally be a number card in the minors if you'd like! he doesn't have to come back, because Claudia definitely isn't, but he totally can
sailor bii
your other nerd too!
sailor bii
but like, I'm pretty sure the other two members of his AU came back to help out? so he wouldn't be alone if he did
sailor bii
our bartender is the only one with a court card pin, but my girl is almost certainly a numbered card
sailor bii
FluffyFaeCat : you def should make an account! then you can vote! I'm not making syn vets stay out of voting, not in the least
sailor bii
Flash Bastard : if the list looks good, it'll probably turn into an info post wherever our protag checks out Yomi
sailor bii
Cerise ♢ : if you decide you want them helping out with the running that doesn't mean you have to do anything. it just means they can show up as cameos and we can mention whether or not the owner of the Liminal restaurant is around
The Wolves base is totally still around, with frozen (some in conveniently pre-butchered pieces) corpses for any obligate cannibals
Lupa is probably around after his odyssey of discovering who he is without defining himself by his relationships with other people and group status.
sailor bii
oh nice. he can be a number card.
Of my others, Pod (probably in her thirties) would come again if they can arrange it so that she can go back home without missing things
Doujima could be convinced too, but he might be reluctant to be a minor
sailor bii
they totes can and that's totally understandable re: doujima
sailor bii
she, rather
sailor bii
I mean no wait it would be they
sailor bii
and yeah, they're heavily exploiting the time travel loopholes they figured out through things like star plot to do this with as many people as they can get, although the immortals who stayed in Liminal Space are actually much older than some of the others might guess
sailor bii
for them it's been a long while since they saw some of you guys
(Kiga probably spends most of his time in dragon form anymore because his Traveler-time increased his longevity but he's feeling his age as a wolverine)
sailor bii
also, Thorne probably talked to most people before they got dropped off to their eventual destinations that if in an absolute worst case scenario the game needed to be run again, could they drop into their timeline whenever to bring them back to help
sailor bii
she'd have stressed it would be only done if it was absolutely something they couldn't do otherwise and that they had a plan to keep it out of arcana hands if it did
sailor bii
(please don't kill her for having these plans, Chloe!)
sailor bii
(they are super in case of an emergency plans and not things she particularly would like to have had to use)
Cerise ♢
sailor bii : I'm not sure either way as of yet, given the current state of the original ending and character thoughts blah blah? But can I poke you if I have more feelings one way or another?
sailor bii
Cerise ♢
(The restaurant being a thing amuses me somewhat but heh.)
Cerise ♢
sailor bii
i mean, it's got liminal permanency on it
Cerise ♢
True true. It's just weird in the context of afterwards.
sailor bii
and like. hopefully soon now that matt is leaving his old job we can finish the final log
Cerise ♢
sailor bii
i need to see what I can do with the last log that he can't to make the finishing easier though
Cerise ♢
Cerise ♢
Does permanent-liminality character mean anything in this continuity? Just a quick ponder.
Cerise ♢
Also how long would it have been or is that a meaningless question?
Cerise ♢
But yeah. Will have to ask more later. Maybe.
sailor bii
it means they're still always connected to liminal space and they can't be forced out of it
sailor bii
and i think probably that they can still come back to it
sailor bii
i would like to think that for the immortals it's been a matter of centuries rather than decades from their perspectives, just because it feels like less of a win if it was only 20 years
Actually Bayek would come too, if only to make sure the (other) Minors didn't let their power go to their heads
sailor bii
sailor bii
that's a very legit worry for them to have
Cerise ♢
sailor bii
and if he would want to take down the aiya's permanency when he leaves, that's fair too. i just figured that permanent liminal stuctures from last time would still be around
Cerise ♢
Cerise ♢
It probably is there regardless, in some shape or form - I can imagine him having one last sort out if he did go home, and something something mind palace connection. But yes. It'd be better for me to not eat this plurk with 'hmmms' about one nerd.
sailor bii
I can make a pp for you and me and Talia and Jill for this stuff
Cerise ♢
No need. I'll poke back later.
Cerise ♢
Thanks, though! I'll just keep the popcorn comin'.
Flash Bastard
Re: drink list, it is mostly good! Part of me feels like Mori Ranmaru should probably be changed, since that's a literal P4-canon drink, but it's a one-off quest Very Early On and I'd be surprised if a lot of people remember it.
Flash Bastard
Burning Petals and Thousand Curses are the other 'still decently obvious' ones, but I think they can probably squeak by and really like Thousand Curses as a drink name anyway.
If I'm inclined to change either, Burning Petals is the one that's more distinctively P4
Flash Bastard
You did miss a reskin of Hassou Tobi, though, two down from the original.
Mori Ranmaru I figure is a Japanese name for a Japanese drink. And lemme fix the Hassou Tobi 2, what did I end up calling that? Eightfold Lotus?
Flash Bastard
Cool! Burning Petals is now "Auroran Ambrosia."
after the sun goddess in I/O that likes dressing in pink
Flash Bastard
That works.
Flash Bastard
(But yeah, Burning Petals also invokes one of Yukiko's lines in the description, which the two together is. Something people would Catch Onto.)
sailor bii
oh dang yeah
Raidou and Gil probably have a small army of Weird Cats by now though I don't know if any of them would have gotten into Thorne's grapes
Cerise ♢
Okay, that made me think 'liminal cat breeding over time' -> 'Liminal Cats'.
Mrs Sheepie
native liminal cats chasing the empress' bunnies
Flash Bastard
Gotta hunt the liminal rabbits somehow.
Cats are already creatures of Liminal Space
These ones are native
sailor bii
Also wondering how to translate Gdon, since while she's not specific to Megaten, the flaming tigerdemon part probably is
sailor bii
luckily I can choose which words to use to describe the guy
Flash Bastard
Your cat is ON FIRE.
Cerise ♢
I've gotta wonder what the new readers are making of the shenanigan descriptions.
sailor bii
gosh I wonder