And i'm back into the swing of things! Starting todays tag tracking with a nice backlog fight between Soo-Won and Gojyo.
>.> Kehehehe Gojyo ain't feeling too good i this battle, like something struggling inside of him and trying to burst out~
< Describe what magic is like in your world to Soo-Won
lol "I'm shit at magic though so it ain't like I don't get where you're coming from. It seems pretty damn cool even from those of us who are used to seeing it."
< Gojyo to Utsume: Ah? People died with the lake spirit? Anyone I know?
Me: Ahahahahahahahah
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
poor sap
he's so oblivious to the outcome because of those sleep trees