actually considering the cultists' location, and Noa+Marik's re-arrivals, it finally occurs to me that I should have. figured out when/how RS finds out about. catte came back,
...would neither Noa nor Marik "bother him" with this info, and RS just goes to see the cultists and there's a green-haired Kaiba with them inexplicably,
oh priest of the fog, you have been stripped of your beauteous monster form. curse the ocean! we are going to go belatedly throw junk into the ocean to express our disapproval!
oh my god. open log about sth with the cultists. everyone come meet the subcult. idk what they would do or if it's a good idea but just. make way for ducklings but it's two camp villains, five furries, and a man who misses being a cat
god i'm so down for like. rs showing up to check on his subcult and noa is looking after them while they view him with a mix of adoration and suspicion and marik is checking the network on his laptop, doing jack shit, going OH HI. I TOOK GOOD CARE OF THEM, SEE?
usagi i have canonized that his fancy red laptop has 1) teef marks in it, that he has 2) covered with cute slime mascot stickers to pretend this never happened
with their guidance
turns out theyre HIS rehab now-
noa MAKES computers
local tage castoffs see whats really important??
listen i have a lot of fog to give and this place is worth dying for actually so, ill do it
hes a good guy to be safehousing with just sayin
helpin him figure out arms is a small price
anything worse he doesnt even send volunteers
he goes personally
we are almost event season so mbby later
ducks in a row
RS "...I cannot tell which Kaiba this even is, so -"
/Noa throws a shoe at him
more respect plz