colorful bunch
[meme] /wheezes at the idea of any of my fuckers being capable of flirting
colorful bunch
listen so I haven't added mobius to my list yet but he's one of the only fuckers who can. others include silva, bond james bond, and ardyn
colorful bunch
and suzie. suzie can flirt. she would just more prefer to get right down to the sex than bother but she can!
colorful bunch
felix...thinks he can. he thinks he's so fucking smooth. the little rat fuck. he might actually be successful, I'd call it a 50/50 shot
colorful bunch
dominic might? hm. he might. might be kind of a rude prick jock about it tho, but he might actually be capable of it!
colorful bunch
rush more plays head games than flirts lbh, so no one can ever tell
apep rally
colorful bunch
'but shawna what about ignis' what ABOUT ignis, he's gay for the prince it would be inappropriate for him to entangle himself with romantically, you think he can flirt?
colorful bunch
he'd be awesome once IN a relationship, he'd be awful in the process of obtaining relationship
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
colorful bunch
'but what about gla-' gladio does the flirting, fullstop
colorful bunch
'pro-' neither of them can flirt that would be a disaster
colorful bunch
ardyn can charm the pants off someone with a look, ignis is too busy being a dignified mom trying his best not to start daydrinking
colorful bunch
ghoulfriend: does it count as flirting if he's too stupid to realize it's flirting
apep rally
devil's advocate: he's so good he doesn't even have to know he's flirting to flirt
(......via card games)
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
it is possible that the ratchets were flirty party ambulances back in The Day, but they certainly don't do the flirting thing anymore
Why am I running into so many talks about Kaiba flirting terribly today, lol?
colorful bunch
unless jumped up on the good shit apparently then he turns into an unstoppable flirt machine and it's awkward for everyone involved because tfp's ratchet is definitely a lesbian you can't change my mind
𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗇 💜
he can flirt but with card game metaphors so it's automatically terrible
colorful bunch
(and flirting bounces off of tfp op which is a damn shame--)
Yes, I shall show you my devotion to collectible card games... mweh heh heh. (I'm making fun of Viz.)
colorful bunch
collectible card game defeat
apep rally
you wanna come up to my office to see my deck
[ puts on a duel disk ]