فك يو
فك يو
okayyyyyyy the swelling did not go down on its own the way the doctor hoped it would, so today is the day where we try to find out why my lymph nodes are bumpin bumpin bumpin
فك يو
i'm very very anxious over what amounts to a minor medical procedure; i don't have a doctor phobia at all (excluding surgery, the idea of surgery is terrifying), but my brain is helpfully going "bet it's cancer :-)" at every opportunity
good luck <3
oh man, my partner has the same, especially after her mom had it a few years ago, you just can't turn that part of your brain off either :-( I'm sorry and hope things go well
فك يو
YEAH having had a lot of cancer deaths in the family is absolutely adding to the anxiety, and my mother's cancer specifically included a lot of lymph node metastasis, sooooo
فك يو
thank you all <3 i'm sure it's fine, it was poked and prodded at a month ago and apparently it didn't feel malignant to the doctor, so this is just extra precautions
well, I'm glad you're letting him do the precautions, to settle your head <3
فك يو
ty! and i hope your partner is doing well now too
you're sweet! she is, she just has a few weird medical things every now and then, nothing big, it's just that it always has her doom thinking
فك يو
brains do be trying like that
oof, fingers crossed it's absolutely nothing. I totally understand catastrophizing everything as cancer, I am very prone to that given all the cancer deaths in my family and it sucks
فك يو
also part of the worry is that it's a fairly large lump (there are apparently multiple swollen lymph nodes on my neck that the doctor could feel, but i only noticed the biggest one), but it doesn't stick out; you have to already be poking and prodding to find it
فك يو
i discovered it entirely by accident and have no idea how long it was there unnoticed before i went "wtf, there's a lump the size of a small egg between the tendons of my neck"
فك يو
(to be clear when i say the size of a small egg i mean uhhhhh robin-sized, not the size of a small chicken egg)
فك يو
man, maybe not a robin's egg; i'm now googling those and they're bigger than i thought they were
فك يو
https://imgs.plurk.com/QzO/Qvd/6evvSRCjS5jKoAUZfV4rCw9Dfnx_lg.jpg the size of a bluebird egg, maybe???
I had this and it turned out to be nothing because bodies are weird if this helps your anxiety
doctor was like "idk I think they just be like that"
I had that once too, although not in my neck. Other lymph nodes.
bikini zone, in fact- and it turned out to be caused by just the skin being irritated from shaving
weird immuno response thing. Fingers crossed you also get a very normal-weird-body answer
فك يو
YEAH i get sebaceous cysts on my scalp sometimes
فك يو
i haven't had any big ones in years and i never had any of them ultrasounded, but they were doctor-diagnosed
فك يو
bodies are weird
فك يو
whooooo, i'm supposed to keep an eye on it but the scan showed nothing concerning
فك يو
this per a letter a received in the mail that sat in the box for days while i waited for a phone call
فك يو
WHY do hospitals communicate via letters, I ask you, but yay for good news!!!
aah I'm so glad!