[cw: death] One of my oldest cousins has just died.

I hadn't seen him in nearly thirty years. Hadn't spoken to him in over twenty. But it's hit mum pretty hard.

and his brother is one of the few cousins I am close to and he's pretty shook up. They didn't get on a lot of the time, but it was his big brother and he loves him.

I feel vaguely bad that I'm more upset about Manny's death than my cousin.

Oh gosh, I'm sorry Jemi

I'm the baby of thirteen cousins. He would have been 61 in October. He had also been told 12 years ago after a quadruple bypass and nearly drowning in his own plasma from high blood pressure that he needed to take it easy.

It makes sense that you'd be more upset about Manny. I hope the rest of your family copes okay.

The harder thing is it's in another state and all interstate travel is shut down, so my cousin can't go for the funeral or go see their mum, who is still alive.

Dead cousin, his kids and mother all live in Victoria. Brother lives in SA with us and most of the rest of the family.

I'm worried about my aunt. She's in her eighties and burying her son.

damn Free!dom

I’m sorry, Jemi. It sounds hard on your family esp with travel blocked

I'm so sorry for your family's loss.

Thanks for the condolences all around. We're checking on my aunt by phone today, and her son by phone.