Cute Quinn
[tma] the one about pigs
Cute Quinn
the opening is this whole thing about how pigs can be your best friend but it's hard to forget that if you die they would probably eat you
Cute Quinn
and I'm like bruh
Cute Quinn
what are you gonna do when the pig dies
Cute Quinn
turnabout is fair play
Princess Emily
i mean like, realistically, if I have a pet pig and they die, I'm not gonna eat them,
Cute Quinn
it's different for pig farmers
Princess Emily
yeah if it's about farmers that's fair
Princess Emily
regular people do sometimes have pet pigs though
Cute Quinn
I just think that if you're raising an animal to kill and eat it, and you die, and it eats you
Cute Quinn
fair enough
Yeah, as long as it doesn't try to eat you before you've already died of unrelated natural causes that seems fine.