[synquest on SV] right now we're aiming for first post on the 14th of August, maybe later?
We need to figure out who our NPCs are and how Infiltration works
(anyone who wants to fling NPCs at us let us know; this goes both for Minor Arcana and fellow Travellers)
sailor bii
Flash Bastard for one thing, can we use Dee Tourmaline for a QC OC fellow Traveler?
sailor bii
for Minor Arcana, they just need to be previous travelers at some point
sailor bii
i.e. they were in the last round of syn
sailor bii
they'll get pseuds so it's fine if they're from whatever canon
Flash Bastard
sailor bii
for the fellow Travelers, we're looking more for OCs of various origins, for Reasons, but previous infiltrations or Jaunt-world AUs of people also work
go тo вread
I mean I can offer Casper, along with Naoya under a pseud
the reasons are legal ones
for this reason we'll specify no OCs from our Jaunt to The Last Of -
having technical difficulties, please stand by as Mort deals with the problem
Flash Bastard
Dee is a Junkworld-era QC rock, so we're good there. XD
Flash Bastard
...if you want a spare Signifier you could also have YAMA-NO. Those two are my biggest Syn OCs Of Note.
sailor bii
ah nice nice
Flash Bastard
And Naoki is definitely available to bartend, as previously established. (Claudia would stay home for this one and Shinji's too burnt out for more of this shit. XD)
sailor bii
go тo вread : Casper and Naoya under pseuds definitely work. by pseuds i mean they get to be the [card] of [suit]
go тo вread
yep <3
sailor bii
the minor arcana are the former travelers who're running syn this time, because the actual arcana are untrustworthy
Flash Bastard
My first thought for infiltrating, if you ever want to have it as a POV option, is 'have someone flip a coin, heads is Investigating.'
Flash Bastard
(It should maybe not be the first questjaunt, so people can see how they work.)
sailor bii
we split into teams so that at the end of this at least some of us will still be the world and most importantly the arcana won't be
Flash Bastard
And then if the hypothetical coin comes up Infiltrating-side, offer a selection of places the POV character might fit in.
Flash Bastard
sailor bii
sailor bii
we need to prod matt to writing ROSE's speech for that dang log
Flash Bastard
I feel like by necessity, the POV character would be a Plot Infiltrator every time they do infiltrate.
Probably so.
(unless they picked a very low spirit at character creation. Then they'd occasionally have the luck that implies and end up as a janitor that the plotrole protag sweeps into the story)
Flash Bastard
I also know Matt decided very early on, like 'probably before doing an interest check' early on, which of the Major Arcana were dead, so you might want to think about whether any Majors other than Pendu are compromised.
Flash Bastard
(Legit. XD)
Flash Bastard : gotchu covered
Flash Bastard
big woop
If you want to use Amanda or any of her infiltrations, feel free to use her
we actually need some WoDs so I will consider it
big woop
The Disgraced Slammer might be interesting as a fellow traveler
i'm not... sure if I can do a pogworld return justice, which doesn't mean I can't have her show up and pout about it
though given that the premise of this is "Pendu's Fucked" that suggests things
Flash Bastard
...what if a Purgatory OC...
Flash Bastard
(I'd offer that Naoki but you already have the original. It'd get confusing. XD)
big woop
Mostly I just am extremely fond of Slammer Amanda tbh, offering her specifically is extremely self-indulgent of me
big woop
Go for Original Flavor Amanda if that's easier to work with
becca (sara expy from a planned not!Bliss Stage jaunt) is gonna be around but imagine Saraiel just sideying this nonsense
slamanda is in because I have a jaunt she;d hate planned
big woop
Oh excellent
big woop
let her discover that the multiverse is much more complicated and annoying than she possibly could have dreamed despite being from a portal-fantasy world already
sailor bii
I'd lend you Briar the Peregrine for Purgatory OC
sailor bii
they are very hedonism
You can use any of mine too. Mako or Noriko could be interesting. Or Hunter or SHIRO?
Flash Bastard
sailor bii
Flash Bastard
I mean, SHIRO would also be interesting, but NORI THE HOT MESS
Flash Bastard
Ex-Traveler-run Synodiporia would probably involve more 'asking if people want A World-Hopping Adventure before pulling them in,' and... I'm pretty sure Mako would say no.
Flash Bastard
.... good point.
but... yeah. please borrow the hot mess if you want her.
...who is the hot mess, I ask, with this expression
Flash Bastard
Nova Venezia-flavor Japaneseish nobility with no semblance of control over her life.
Flash Bastard
(This is what Naoto was up to during that jaunt. Poor Naoto.)
Flash Bastard
I believe her goals coming into the jaunt were 'get high and avoid fiance.'
Flash Bastard
She ended up having a nervous breakdown and not avoiding her fiance after all.
nova venezia

I didn't even go there and I understand completely
You can borrow mine if you want them. The Guardian Angel of Thieves or Beth the Oracle of -you can't con a con-- Masks might be interesting. Or Nike!Allura, who's one of the few Alluras who has a namechange baked in.
Flash Bastard
You won't believe these Top 10 Investigators in Nova Venezia Fails
Flash Bastard
OH ALSO, and sailor bii needs to see this too:
Flash Bastard
Quinn, last night: Okay, but if Naoki is the Page of Swords and Delaunay is the King of Swords, Helena's got to be the Queen.
Flash Bastard
They said Helena would also definitely hop back in based on 'Hanged Man is compromised,' since she's fond of him.
sailor bii
oh good!
sailor bii
Allura might be the paladin knight of swords
sailor bii
I know at least one immortal is on every team for Reasons
sailor bii
keeping the world out of the arcana's grubby hands reasons
NekoInc, MSPM
I'm very curious, or vurious. Don't think my proposed character for Synodporia Valor's a good fit tho, if only because I'm doing some OC fic with her elsewhere...
sailor bii
I mean, Thais The Old Soldier ended up different enough from Thace that he could work as a fellow Traveler
and a lot of Lupa's infiltrations were pretty distinct
sailor bii
oh damn
sailor bii
but yeah, you're right
sailor bii
I'd be willing to donate Archie my psychic musician OC from 00000000 's OC-verse to this
sailor bii
I think Archie is what I named them
Pod's infiltration from Bando/mermaids/paramo might work as a Traveler too. I mean she was looking for the Travelers after all (also Saya got the most screentime of all of Pod's infiltrations)
sailor bii
and since the minor court is like. very much looking for volunteers. it makes sense for us to draw upon jaunt worlds where we know the people
sailor bii
rather than build a traveler gatcha
Love Snake Kaja
Hmm, I was only very briefly in Syn, so I can't contribute much.
Love Snake Kaja
But I can contribute an OC or two if you'd be up for that.
sailor bii
yes, we would love OCs to pad out the cast of Fellow Travelers
sailor bii
a traditional game of synodiporia has dozens of travelers
Love Snake Kaja
I probably should get in contact somehow with OC details, but some capsule summaries: Merciless, blood cult holy warrior who peculiarly manages to be nice despite her bloodthirsty upbringing. Hero, who has been isekaied so many times she forgot anything other than being a hero. Melia Zephyr, plantgirl priestess of a hedonistic chaos harvest god.
Love Snake Kaja
Alex Hashimoto, foxgirl dollmaker who is secretly an animate doll and has literal Power of Friendship (she has high Sentimental arc, I know you'll understand this Talia)
Love Snake Kaja
Though now that i think of it, don't Syn characters get their powers replaced?
Love Snake Kaja
Well, the characters still work.
Flash Bastard
Not replaced, but they can build alongside. Unless those powers align with the network/Liminal Space manipulation.
Love Snake Kaja
Oh, right, yeah, I remember that now.
Flash Bastard
So like, psychic stuff and teleportation gets transmuted, but not 'summons Persona.'
sailor bii
Love Snake Kaja
It's been a long time since I was in Syn and made like literally two comments before falling off the face of the earth lol
Love Snake Kaja
Anyways, I can offer more as needed, I have a lot of OCs.
Love Snake Kaja
Only caveat is I plan to write stories featuring at least some of those characters, but I don't mind lending them out freely.
Love Snake Kaja
If that's an issue, I can still contribute OCs I don't plan to write stories for.
"Traveler gatcha" has to be my new favorite phrase now
Flash Bastard
Well, it was!
sailor bii
it was literally a gatcha machine
sailor bii
sailor bii
metaphorically and physically
big woop
I think at one point Amanda proposed that there might be a hypothetical parallel liminal space where anything that got gatcha'd that wasn't a sapient person suitable for being a traveler got shunted into
big woop
just because the travelers were so diverse that she didn't understand how whatever mechanism grabbed them didn't end up with false positives
sailor bii
i mean. if something doesn't have a consciousness, it falls prey to no object permanency
sailor bii
but if we're just talking animal level intelligence, that probably explains where empress gets her pets that aren't baby dragons/bunnies
Flash Bastard
Mei Pls
big woop
yeah she was kind of looking at the group and thinking, like I'm pretty sure my cousin's dog is smarter than some of these folks
big woop
what's the cutoff
It has been 0 Days sice Remy fucked things up
Flash Bastard
Quinn: Magnus should be wandering around.
me: The Cat of Pentacles?
Quinn: Yes.
I have Haneul (demon fusion musician OC) or Shinobu (Changeling OC), although the latter is originally based on Raidou, so... Alternatively, there are Raidou's various overlays
sailor bii
eh, if Thais will be there as a fellow traveler, Shinobu can come too
I'm not sure if Reiko would be helpful or just drive people up the wall
But she's probably the one overlay of Raidou's who knows the most about Traveling
sailor bii
yes, she should totes get recruited
Vulpe would... probably not be helpful. The IOUHEIs would split the difference
Reiko would have many, many questions
Flash Bastard
In terms of OCs, if you would like a... let's call it low-to-middling fantasy lesbian lawyer to drop in and out of things, I have one to spare.
Flash Bastard
She'd want to check in at home every now and then, but she likes solving problems and if the narrative fabric of reality is This Fucked, that's a problem.