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good news everyone, I've created an entity named Schmodd that is personally responsible for all bad things that happen
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so if your life has any problems, they are now Schmodd's fault
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you are no longer accountable for anything
oh i'm scary
but there was already a Todd...
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Todd is an avatar of Schmodd
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the part of it that causes video game problems
oh i'm scary
I see
Snowman's Dance
What about Derrick
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I'm unfamiliar
Thank god, now I can kill with impunity
Snowman's Dance
He’s an asshole I’ve been blaming for things
Snowman's Dance
Fucking Derrick
Snowman's Dance
Where does he get off?
it's now schmodd's fault that derrick exists
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you know how Zeus and Jupiter are the same god, identified by different cultures
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that's Schmodd and Derrick
Snowman's Dance
Fucking Schmodd. Where does he get off?
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Schmodd is pure evil
Snowman's Dance
Wait, what if something that happens that’s bad is done by a politician or a bigot or something? Shouldn’t we hold them accountable instead of Schmodd?
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they're Schmodd worshippers
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so to punish them is to punish Schmodd
Snowman's Dance
nothing is ever anyone's fault, except schmodd
A Grinning DM
Can we mod schmodd to be less of a bad god?