Stereo Nacht
I got awoken at 5:something am by a misbehaving smoke detector. Maybe a bug sneaked into its detector. And of course, it's the highest one (I have cathedral ceilings at the upper floor). I did manage to climb up and disconnect it. I'll try blowing some air in it to dislodge whatever is stuck; if it doesn't help, I'll consider it defective and replace it.
Stereo Nacht
I did manage to go back asleep, at least. Now having brunch, then I'll go take care of my garden, then go help mom (if she still needs help). Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
And I am having a real hard time convincing myself to get out and arrange the net around my garden... :-(
Stereo Nacht
There. I managed to get some done (and scared some critter that was feasting on my peas... (annoyed) Still lots to do, but at least I got enough so I can weed it out, and I even harvested two kohlrabi! I'll cook them with a recipe of "cajun style potatoes".
Stereo Nacht
But although the temperature was not too hot, it is very humid, and there is not enough wind to keep the bugs away, so I gave up before finishing. (blush) I may end up with too much netting with the new configuration, though. Not sure if I'll cut it, fold it, or us it to further discourage uninvited "guests".
Squeak =^..^=
Productive day. I just had a long day of training in the control booth - then came home and flumped.
Ours used to act up on humid days when one of us would take a shower.