The hourglass is, however, a symbol used in the Chamber of Reflection, which is meant for the candidate to reflect upon his own mortality, and the seriousness of what he is about to do. Many of the emblems in the Chamber also have been said to also have been symbols from Alchemy as well (sulfur, salt, bread, etc).
The hourglass has two “vessels” or bulbs, one above and one below. In the Hermetic teaching of the Emerald Tablet, we see that saying, “As above, so below”. In Christianity, we see it as, “On earth as it is in Heaven”. As sand moves from the upper vessel to the lower, that which was above, is now below.
We can think of the lower sphere as being the earthly or physical sphere, and the upper sphere as being the spiritual or celestial sphere. You can do something else with the hourglass. You can turn it on its side, essentially stopping time in that moment
(and ironically it will form a sideways figure 8, or a symbol of eternity), or you can turn it on its head, and the flow of sand will now go from what used to be the lower to what was once the upper. This can also reflect the cycles of birth and death, not unlike our seasons.
The hour glass is an ever-present reminder of how fleeting and delicate our lives really are. It is a symbol that begs us to focus on the passing of time. It’s as if it is speaking to us.
It challenges us to consider past, be mindful of the future, but as they are both out of our control, or focus needs to be on the present. The narrow tube connecting the future and past, restricting the flow of events through it to just a few moments at a time, illustrates that it is those moments that define us.
神秘學 沙漏圖形 符號學 神秘幾何
(每個宗教都可能有好人壞人 這很正常)
我在澳洲已經親眼見過兩個Masonic Temple, 所以他們的勢力在澳洲不小
而且還承襲自Hermetic teachings 就是怕被宗教迫害躲起來的一群人而已