It's storming like hell. And last night, I spent an hour outside with an elderly neighbour who had fallen while we waited for the ambulance.
We barely heard her screaming for help with the weather. But we did. She's 83 and deaf. Her partner is 91, had seven joint replacements (ish?) and also stone deaf.
The ambo got her loaded up about ten minutes before the downpour hit.
damn Free!dom
Oh god that’s terrible! Are you ok too?
I also have a shiny new script for migraine medications. Luckily, I don't have auras or I would have to come off my pill and go back to having murderous periods.
I'm fine. Spent a lot of time jogging up and down the hill between our places and their steep driveway.
Between the activity, my dressing gown (we were literally in bed when we heard her) and uggies, I was quite toasty warm
damn Free!dom
Ok good. And yay for meds that work!
I didn't say that. We have meds we're trying.
I have a lot of medication allergies (including codeine) so it's always a bit of a gamble.
damn Free!dom
Well pop! Yay for a new med to try then? Also wow med allergy buddy! I’m allergic to codine too! I’ve never met anyone with that allergy!
Runs in my family. When I had my reduction, they gave me a shot of morphine and holy hell was that unpleasant. I can manage small amounts of codeine, it's really antibiotics where I rack up reactions.
damn Free!dom
oof that's rough. apparently codine makes me manic. they gave it to me as a kid and the story goes i started running around screaming so they decided it was a bad thing |D
I felt like my skin was heated and crawling.
damn Free!dom
that sounds horrible
But easily avoided!
damn Free!dom
yes! once you know! allergies are the worst. i have all sorts of fun ones |D but once you know and can avoid the things it's not so bad!