The chessboard copy of Beato's smoking room, for example, and Virgilia meeting with Phantom Beato there are equivalent to how Battler swooped in to join in on the game here.
I want this poor kid to stay as herself. To get to choose her own path, somehow. But how can you extricate the symbolism that she is from her own existence to let her do that? She's everything that leads up to Beatrice, the Endless and Golden Witch. A miracle led to Beatrice before, a miracle will lead to Beatrice again.
honestly at this point i gave up on trying to categorize all the different levels of meta-reality and how they interacted. It's you know, the thematics that count I guess.
I've mentioned this before, but something that strikes me about the Elder's design is that she doesn't contain any elements of the classic Beatrice, because she is the witch of the night first and Beatrice second, after she was given that face. She was ill-defined before the painting, so her clothes and hair don't match it.
I think the problem they're running into is that they have a fundamental misconception about their dual nature. They think they're two halves of the same person, but it's more like the Younger is the reactant and the Elder is the catalyst. If I'm using those terms right.
With love, you can have faith and believe in someone coming to save you, even if that logically can't happen. I really do wonder if my insane, twisted logic from last time had a thread of truth in it.
It's a work that rewards you for thinking, and PUSHES you to think by creating gameplay and interactivity even though there's technically none in the game itself.
it's hilarious remembering that while ange is fuming over this insane fanfiction about her dead family amakusa is just off to the side reading over her shoulder and low-fiving hachijo whenever ange gets particularly salty
basically, she's at the point of her writing where you need to have reached the truth to understand it. episode 6 already greatly benefits from understanding at least a little bit of what's going on but this is apparently going to be on a whole nother level
so the day after while ange is getting ready to go on rokkenjima she gets a notification, takes a look at the new episode 6, sees all of this stuff that really happened between her and hachijo and just spends two solid minutes cursing
There was no victory condition for Rika's side, so the game couldn't end as it would be unfair, but if there was no victory condition the game would have to continue forever until she made one. I see.
Which is why the other side, Lambda—was it Lambda? She's talking in a way that's too vague for me to be certain—eventually took pity on Bern and let her start with "all her pawns in the eighth rank."
Certainty means, no matter what happens, you are going to succeed this time. That's the power that grants absolute certainty, but even certainty has its limits. A miracle means that no matter what, you are going to succeed, no matter how many times it takes. You will eventually succeed. But who knows how long it will take?
Her weird... cryptic-ness as an entity that you nevertheless actually feel pain and empathy for despite functionally knowing nothing about her or the context from which she was created is great writing.
From what I've heard, Bern has a very clear analogue to Rika but what happened to Lambda and her relationship to the characters in Higu is a lot more fuzzy.
i think you are underestimating the depth of their hell, overestimating the depth of yours, and creating a false equivalency in one stroke. truly the work of a master
As much as I am loath to admit it... Erika does kind of have a point. The suffering Olympics are pointless. Trauma is trauma and it has an effect on you no matter what.
"The suffering olympics are pointless" and "My suffering is equal to yours in a conversation about whether or not I understand the depth of your suffering"
It's either that and/or be erased from the public's consciousness. Those are the two routes for an anime girl of around Erika's age: become god or get erased from the public consciousness.
(as an aside: it murders me in the heart, how Alive is just... basically the "optimistic" version of Happiness of Marionette, right down to being the exact same melody and drum loop)
"you want to progress? solve the puzzle first, bitch."
which is why I don't go outside
is exactly the kind of quip I use for NPCs that get called out on unrealstic behavior.TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION.
with exception of maybe worldend dominator and dreamenddischarger