The dev did a such good job. During this scene I was thinking that we knew Krogan in the very first game but was until now the game presented this ruin to provide and support these hope, possibility and reason for we to have more faith in Krogan besides our headbutt buddy Wrex. It all made this mission having more depth and beautifully cinematic feeling.
我愛Tuchanka上的遺蹟建築群,瘋狂停下來拍照 (Garrus: Shepard please... / Liara: I know that feel...)
During this scene I was thinking that we knew Krogan in the very first game but was until now the game presented this ruin to provide and support these hope, possibility and reason for we to have more faith in Krogan besides our headbutt buddy Wrex. It all made this mission having more depth and beautifully cinematic feeling.