Surprise! We will be hosting a Test Drive/Fourth Wall on the 15th, which will tie into our mid-July event. Friends of current players are free to join and the +1 invitations are currently paused so players can invite as many friends as they want. eta: please fill out the form to join
Our mid-July event will host our first Shadow event that will be hosted by Nami and will feature our favourite person to choose to betray, Nier. It will be tied into the overall game's lore and plot, which will also be offered to other players who wish to host a Shadow or Heart event.
With this event, we will now begin to descend into the psychological horror that you all have been waiting for. It will be a slow shift so we don't go from yay beach episode to you and your friends are dead
lmfao same reason why judai chose nier. if ally turns out to be a trick, eh nier seems strong enough. protect judai, jun, or your sugar daddy disappears
LMFAO judai just looked at the list and went hm who here can take a beating. well i saw nier and his bloody weapons so he can probably fight off whatever happens to him
ETA: please fill out this brief form if you decide to join the event as we will need to know who will be joining and can have brief access to the comms. Thank you!
eta: please fill out the form to join