It was so nice outside today, I decided to jump on the bus and go to a nearby coffee shop to grab myself a coffee I tried before a few days ago. One bus ride both ways. Yeah! I can do that!
So I did. The ride there was great. Driver was not so nice but, whatever, it was colder in that bus than in my house! So Yay for that! Anyway, it was harder on the way back with coffee in my hand too. I use a cane. I think I should leave it next time, it was more in the way than anything. And I was feeling good except for the bus moving while I was...
trying to find a seat! But people scooted over so I could sit in the front anyway. Then she almost moved on because I was slow getting up and getting out! But it was still not too bad. I shall do this again!
And my iced coffee was great! It is called a Mayan Mocha. Has cayenne pepper and cinnamon in it.
that offset the cool of the bus