My Knee
[meme] ok hit me
uncharted clearly
le tits now
My Knee
𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗. : favorite: predictably, Elena, because she's gr8 and I love how she goes from knowing nothing about the world of treasure hunting to being super gung-ho but in her own way
least favorite: Roman, because he is bland and boring as a villain. I mean I appreciate they kinda switched it up and had him not as the final boss because he was stupid
My Knee
but I always forget he existed....he's that dull
I forgot about him too
My Knee
My Knee
My Knee
le tits now : favorite: I mean. we all been knew. it's my boy Roxas.
My Knee
I always find characters struggling with identity issues to be super compelling, but on a macro level I'm also fascinated that because of Sora's actions, an entirely different person existed and had a life and dealt with so much, and Sora never even knew about it.
My Knee
Like Sora waking up fully oblivious of the tragedy that just happened in the room is maybe even sadder to me than the "my sunmer vacation is over" moment itself. But the ramifications endure and stick with me hard.
My Knee
least favorite: not diz, because he falls under "I love to hate him." he sucks SO MUCH but if he wasn't around to hate, it wouldn't be as fun.
My Knee
honestly it's probably a five-way between the foretellers because they have such middle-school level drama over the vaguest shit
My Knee
it's probably not their fault, it's the narrative, but the narrative only shows how they suck and fails to demonstrate how they bring anything good to the table
My Knee
GGnuary : Favorite: it's a very near thing but Mia prrrooooobably edges out Edgeworth. I like a competent lawyer lady but we also get in her head to see her obligatory wacky lawyer neuroses
My Knee
Edgeworth is up there bc he's a Dork With Style
Obligatory wacky lawyer neuroses, lmfao. Like a surprising violent streak
My Knee
least favorite: Thalassa, bc she is another "kinda sucks and is too boring up make up for sucking" character
My Knee
I'm seeing I have a type. or an anti-type.
My Knee
yes like that
My Knee
now that I think about it a lot of Apollo Justice characters are just not interesting enough to me
My Knee
Klavier is way too nice
Klavier is sooooo boring
My Knee
prosecutors need to be threatening for a while before they team up with you
le tits now
He’s nice to look at though
le tits now
just shallow thoughts
My Knee
he is
jenni's 🥀