it was going around twitter earlier and i like to hear about this sort of thing: tell me about your wols/ocs' bespoke fighting styles! do they bring in little bits of their backgrounds, do they mash multiple jobs together, does their echo do anything fancy if they have it, custom lbs... what are the haps
remember "because i think it's cool and/or sexy of them" is always valid reasoning for ocs
(doing mine in a bit i need to order lunch lmao)
I never thought about mine, but considering his backstory I think he'd mix hunting techniques of the Seekers with a Doman fighting style
very light on his feet
ah, the cat zoomies
Frozen Time
Because she picked up Paladin before Red Mage, Aisthota's sword strikes are a lot heavier than the Red Mage standard.
buff femroe arms... if she used something ridiculously flimsy looking like the cryptlurker rapier would it snap like a twig
my ocs...! naren is a relatively straightforward pld, but up until shb she literally did not have spells (including clemency or passage); she was just a brawler with particularly strong aether sensitivity allowing her to anticipate other people's movement and ward off magicks to an extent, and also a lot of jrpg durability / stubbornness
after the events of 4.0 she had a stress breakdown and went off to do drk 30-60 - upon reasserting who she wanted and needed to be over esteem, which May have involved more ridiculous pld 50-60 soulstone shenanigans, she went back to her sword and board but had learned the basics of using her personal "darkside" aether for drk-like spells with pld aesthetic
then in shb she involuntarily soaked up a lot of the ambient environmental light even before starting to turn, which gave all her spells permanent Very Pld aesthetic as her body struggled to vent it that way and is where she acquired the actual spell-spells pld has
Frozen Time
she hasn't broken any swords yet, but she always picks thicker swords, and there have definitely been times where she's hit something and X'rhun just winces
after night is restored on the first and then back on the source she's back to mostly unaspected drk and pld spells drawn from her personal aetherpool, but her holy spirit + confiteors are pretty brutal and she leans on them a bit too much
x'rhun hears a rapier go "clonk" and his ears do the rapidly swivelling thing like a startled cat
poor x'rhun
anyway joss's echo is particularly heavy on the "understanding other people" part because i thought it was funny considering he doesn't fucking let others understand him
he's also more dodgetanky than average as a drk because he's used to drg flips and whatnot...
all while anxiously worrying that the melee are going to complain about their positionals
sagitta being spun off of ffxiv au soggy batenkaitos is a large horrible tentacle monster forced back into the shape of a person, but he doesn't make a habit of displaying that to people because, gross??
however he does have echo so he's capable of controlling it, and over time ends up implementing a lot of allagan smn bullshit techniques + building magitek accessories so that he can contain & partly release it with less risk
so he's mostly a Weird Smn but he carries an aetherpack like mch does and he has a shitty mass produced gunblade just because that's the only self-defence he had the opportunity to formally learn before defecting
his dwt and demi-baha just involve channelling auracite aether into himself and his egi respectively and he doesn't have a phoenix equivalent
riz is not technically sharlayan but he sure spent his formative years in sharlayan so his arcanima techniques are based on that instead of the limsa school, pretty similar to the pure spellcasting side of ast
he becomes a sch from picking his nymian history studies back up after a brief detour into cannibal but his aether is permanently fucked up so lily didn't bond with him and he doesn't have a fairy, his side story in the sch questline is mending surito carito's aether enough for lily to go back to him instead
he does have a carby but exclusively the tank carby, dude is really out here relying on his gcd heals on sch, he sucks
his dots also kind of suck range and potency wise because he is very much in the process of relearning magicks from scratch like arya post rdm 70, and he focused on (re)learning his sch spells first bc that was his current project
but he does still have shadow flare and it's his only dot that doesn't completely suck because it's Flavour, you can't take it away from me for good
sch??? sucking???
(i know it doesn't suck and it's just jank as fuck but shh)
oh and lb3s.... naren's is the standard pld one but slightly light tinged lmao, last bastion with wings / passage of arms But Bigger
sagitta reskins teraflare into a controlled and very brief 100% monster transformation, which is the most he's going to do on his own volition
riz's was temporarily Vore Mode but now its just "astral stasis but boring" because he has no fairy and sucks