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i am just made of anxiety tonight
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i have had practically a whole month off of rp (bc i ended up doing bare minimum at this month on top of my hiatus) and inertia is a real fuckin problem, folks
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getting myself to Do Things this weekend failed miserably
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and the concept of Doing Things is kind of overwhelming in this moment of high anxiety
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sometimes you just want to flee into the woods gibbering, you feel
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i'm sure it'll pass and i'll get over it but man
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super not feeling good rn
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i STILL need to do my ac for . i literally need to write one tag and then submit the ac. i dont even need to wrangle the links, i have them easy access somewhere
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and i just Cannot
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i am Physically Incapable. a Barrier exists
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even breaking down things into tiny steps, my usual anti-execdys measure, is not working
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bc the concept of taking the task and breaking it into steps is, in and of itself, a task, so my execdys is like GOTCHA and my anxiety screams
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this is a new development that i feel like probably has happened before but i've never caught it in the act
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sneaky bastard
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anyway i may need to do something very fucking stupid and whine at someone to hold my hand through it, but probably tomorrow, because i'm not gonna force anything to happen tonight
/hugs Hi friend. I literally do this for people all of the time for my job and if you ever need someone to help you chunk a thing into pieces or hold your hand, I am here for it! I have only a few skills and this is one! <3
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;_; omg, thank you for offering. i'll have to hit you up on that soon bc i suuuper need to get the ball rolling again
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(pppossibly on discord? i believe we have each other added. but if pp would work better for you thats fine too)
/hugs. you're okay.
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/big hug
Discord is great! We're traveling home today, so responses will be sporadic for a few hours, but I am here. For. You! <3 <3
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Kota : np! i dunno what my own hours are gonna be like today so its all good <3
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