DEADLINE: Did you officially decide not to direct the Star Trek film you put in motion, the one written by The Revenant’s Mark L. Smith?
TARANTINO: I think they might make that movie, but I just don’t think I’m going to direct it. It’s a good idea. They should definitely do it and I’ll be happy to come in and give them some notes on the first rough cut.
最後主持人問他「如果要你明天重拍《霸道橫行》(Resevoir Dogs,1992),內容會一樣嗎?會拍得更好嗎?」
Ruby🪐 : 宣傳書先,順便養精蓄銳,收山大作不容易
TARANTINO: I think they might make that movie, but I just don’t think I’m going to direct it. It’s a good idea. They should definitely do it and I’ll be happy to come in and give them some notes on the first rough cut.
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