Luke Skywanker
I think we need to get this cat some kind of medication. She's progressed to approaching mom for pets and then attacking her hand like, without claws but really angrily. She's just super upset constantly.
At least it’s not just you. I know that’s like the most useless silver lining. I’m sure you’d prefer it if their cat was affectionate toward them. But it’s the cat and not you. Tiny yay?
Is it possible that something about the rv upsets her? Maybe a smell you guys can’t detect or something?
Luke Skywanker
What i mean is, she's under a lot of stress and I would like to alleviate it.
Luke Skywanker
She's fine with dad and John.
Luke Skywanker
Maybe she hates women but my mom is also one of those people who thinks all animals are dogs so I think she is not great with cats.
Oh. Huh. So is it maybe the travel? Being in a new and small space?
Luke Skywanker
Yeah I do not think she's happy but it got 100 times worse when I arrived.
And I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t care about her distress. I meant that if it’s not just “I don’t like this person” but an external issue, then there might be something that can be done to make her feel more safe and comfortable.
Luke Skywanker
We're gonna get some cbd because it's an easy thing to do
I was about to suggest cbd. It did wicket a world of good toward the end when she was really blind and anxious.
Luke Skywanker
oh good
Also, if it’s at all feasible to create a “safe place” for her that only she can get into, maybe that might help a little?
But in a small rv idk if that’s even possible
Luke Skywanker
She's sort of got the top bunk, it's where John sleeps and I'd enjoy it but I'm going to let her have it.
Luke Skywanker
Otherwise, I know it bothers her when I go near her food but there is literally no place else to keep it but the bathroom.
poor little thing
Luke Skywanker
I know I feel so bad! I mean not guilty, just like, that's a lot of stress!
i mean. mom not speaking cat is going to add a LOT of stress on it's own