LR copied from No Monkey Business Dog Training. Made me think of some of your pups

Do you know that you don’t have to feel guilty if your dog doesn’t want to say hi on leash to other dogs (or people) in public?

Do you know your dog isn’t broken, defective, and you don’t have to make excuses for them or feel embarrassed?
Do you know that a lot of dogs are absolutely able to coexist and cohabitate in public with dogs without incident, but often can’t because others with dogs assume that THEIR dog should be able to say “hi”?

Do you know that this leaves many people feeling stuck and unable to bring their dog out and about even though their dog is perfectly fine?
Here’s an example. Here’s Whiskey. He’s a great dog. He’s an adult. He’s had excellent training and his human is a wonderful handler. He’s social and lives with another dog, but he really doesn’t want to say to other dogs when he’s out and about - like when I’m on a date night with my husband, I dont want to talk to every body at the restaurant.
He’s more than happy to be in their presence, and can relax happily - as you can see in this picture - but he’s not interested in making new friends and he doesn’t tolerate dogs running into his space, so he’ll growl or snap sometimes if they do that.
Unfortunately, because of this reaction (which is completely normal and justified) his human avoids bringing him places because she doesn’t want people to think she has an aggressive dog. And she doesn’t.

Life for dogs like Whiskey would dramatically improve if people taking their dogs out didn’t look at it as an opportunity to meet EVERY dog they saw
and the same goes with people thinking they can pet every dog they see. If humans recognized that dogs that love ALL dogs and people are NOT the norm, and their dogs life, and the lives of others, would be much better if they taught their dog from an early age that being on leash = focus on them, not saying hi to other dogs or people.
The results of this would be amazing.

Dogs would not develop conditioned excitement and get hyper aroused every time they saw other dogs or people in public. They’d learn to settle, focus, and relax faster. They wouldn’t look at every outing as a party for them, and would instead learn to work beside their human companion calmly.
we don't let other dogs say hi anymore. Kneesa is no longer interested and she can get snippy now. She has limited vision and is losing her hearing. people are fine so are kids.

Leeni has never enjoyed it so we also avoid it for her. she is ok with adult but doesn't care for small kids so we are careful about who can pet her.
ok Plurk wouldn’t let me finish pasting this (annoyed) so here is the FB link
I love to see other dogs when we are out. I try to judge by behavior and if they seem like an interaction might be ok I ask. Even when the dog is very obviously into pets.

Kneesa once flopped over belly up for pets at their feet. they still asked before petting her. we said yes please before she pouts. lol