duck bastard
[james vs queerphobes]
duck bastard
at this rate, if a person comes onto a queer positive post -
duck bastard
as in "I'm so glad I can use queer for myself!" kind of thing
duck bastard
- and that person starts throwing a fuckin' shitfit
duck bastard
whether that's the tired "it's a slur" nonsense
duck bastard
or "you can use it for yourself but don't you dare ever use it for me, BLUH BLUH BLUH"
duck bastard
i'm just gonna assume you're a bigot
duck bastard
I may not be sure in what way, exactly
duck bastard
but that's the actions of a bigot
duck bastard
that second option especially
duck bastard
"oh ~you can use it for yourself~" then why are you here, motherfucker?
duck bastard
because it sure looks like you're whining about someone using it for themselves and not thinking of your bigoted ass at all
I WAS ABOUT TO SAY-- "why the fuck are you weighing in then??"
duck bastard
I love how people who say “queer is a slur” conveniently forget that every word we use for ourselves has been used as a slur at some point.
I mean, the person who was saying it's a slur was marked as a transphobe for me by Shinigami Eyes, so it's not that they ~forgot~
It's that they have a TERF's agenda
And that involves actively trying to assassinate inclusionist language
So yeah, it's not at all an accident
Or ignorance
It's deliberate targeting
oh the "conveniently forget" was sarcastic
I mean, my whole statement was, but especially that.
papermint tiger
Yeah i prefer queer for myself
same. XD if that wasn't obvious by my plurk url XD
papermint tiger
Due to harassment i experienced when i was younger, 'lesbian' will always be a slur to me. Which i only say to give an example of how this can work lol
papermint tiger
I'm obviously fine with lesbians, just not comfortable calling myself one
Valid |D I skimmed, so I missed the 'conveniently'
all good. XD it happens.
Cookie Politics
that particular fuck also thinks lesbians using the labrys is cultural appropriation, because there's just so many people trying to oppress the culture of ancient Minoans and ancient Greeks, so yeah
rip to these ppl but who are these cishet invaders that call themselves queer and dress like it I'm from a red state. NO ONE hetero from here would be mistaken as queer unless it on purpose.