Sleepy sloth
Ugh, hope I'm not getting sick. I'm just felt a little achey and flu-like since I got that bad headache at work a few days ago.
Vincent Gogh
sends healing vibes
Sleepy sloth
Also I've had a big craving for red meat which also sometimes is a sign my body is trying to use the protein to heal.
Vincent Gogh
take care of you please
Sleepy sloth
Sleepy sloth
It might just be the process of not being able to sleep consistently thanks to the cat and sis waking me up. That plus work might be keeping this low-grade headache from fully being able to heal.
Sleepy sloth
Fortunately I'll have Tuesday off so I can spend the whole day just sleeping if need be.
Try to get some rest! I hope you feel better soon!
Sleepy sloth
Drinking lots of fluids and trying to get as much sleep as possible. Fortunately the busiest days at work are over right now for the week, so hopefully (fingers crossed) today will just be some check-ins and requests for towels.